FPS-10 long range Combo Radar Set - A long range Combo Radar set (search + height-finder) manufactured by the General Electric Company. A stripped down version of the CPS-6B.
CPS-6B/FPS-10 Combination Search and Height Finder Radar Facility.
Adapted From MIL-HDBK-162A:
Radar Set FPS-10 is a fixed-station, air transportable, high-power, long-range search and height-finding radar that is used for aircraft early warning and GCI applications. This radar set has a maximum range of 265 naut mi and a height-finding capability of 40,000 ft. Facilities are provided for use of advanced filter techniques that eliminate the time lag inherent in passing plots through a filter room. The FPS-10 has provisions for optional use of video mapping, direction finding, and identification equipment. Terminal facilities are also provided for voice, code or teletype, and radio or wire communications. This radar set is equipped with moving target indication and many remote operating facilities.
Radar Set FPS-10 is similar to Radar Set CPS-6B, differing only in the number of indicators used in the absence of B-scan indicators, and in the telephone system. The CPS-6B has more indicators, and its telephone system is supplied as part of the equipment.
Winkler, David F., Searching the Skies: the Legacy of the United States Cold War Defense Radar Program, USAF Hq Air Combat Command, 1997, 192 pages, Pdf, page 75-76 (CPS-6B), page 77 (FPS-10).