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SCR-268 Medium Range Searchlight Control Radar Set - A medium range searchlight control radar set built by Western Electric. Primary use is to provide range, azimuth and height information for approaching enemy aircraft to a variety of gun-laying computers (M-4, M-7, or M-9 directors) and searchlight positioning equipment.

SCR-268-A Deployed in Morocco in 1943.

Western Electric began production of SCR-268 sets in 1939, and it entered service in early 1941 some 3,100 sets were eventually built.

SCR-268 Radar as a Searchlight Controller. Note the shelter around the operator positions.

The SCR-268 was a mobile radar set transported on two trailers or for the SCR-268-B on one trailer and four large trucks. In operation, the set was assembled on one trailer and leveled with outrigger jacks. The antenna pedestal was mounted on the trailer and on that pedestal rotated the antenna, transmitter, receivers and the three operator positions. Of the four attending trucks, one supplying primary power, another supplied high voltage for the transmitter, and two were required for the transportation of radar components. On the ground beside the trailer were placed the keyer and modulator units which drove the transmitter. The high voltage output of the modulator was fed to the transmitter via a set of slip rings inside the rotating pedestal.

The transmitter and receiver equipment was stacked over the three operator positions which were directly over the rotating pedestal. Antenna movement was controlled by three handwheels. The three operator positions, range, azimuth and elevation operators each have a cathode ray tube (CRT) display that indicates when the radar is pointed at the target and when the range, azimuth and height readings could be sent to the gun director and searchlights. Lobe switching was used to provide increased accuracy for the operators.

To provide for identification of friendly aircraft vs enemy aircraft the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) RC-148 IFF set was provided and its video mixed with the receiver video to indicate when a radar track was friendly.

Thirteen men could install set and obtain approximate data in 2 hrs. Accurate orientation and alignment take 4 more hours. Orientation and alignment were complex and had to be checked daily. A minimum of 5 operators and a Chief Radar Operator were required.


A plan position indicator (PPI) was added to the SCR-269 set and it was then redesignated an SCR-516, low-altitude early-warning radar. The SCR-516 was deployed in 1945 in at least three locations in the Pacific Northwest to combat the Japanese balloon firebomb attack. Additional sets were deployed in California.

SCR-268 Radar

SCR-268 Radar
Element Value Notes
Nomenclature SCR-268
Variants SCR-268/A/B/
Manufacturer Western Electric
Type Searchlight Control
Gun Laying
Number Made 2,974
Frequency 205 MHz
PRF 4098
Pulse Width 3-9 us
Transmit Power 75 KW
Rotation Speed
Input Power 9 KVA, 120 V, 50-60 cycles AC
Range 40,000 yds
22 Miles
medium range
Range Accuracy plus or minus 200 yards
Introduced Developed 1939
Service 1941
SCR-268 Deployed to Soloman Islands.
SCR-268 System Block Diagram.

SCR-268 Components (edit list)
Component Model Quantity Height Width Deep Weight Notes
Receiver BC-406 2 200-210 MHz
Transmitter BC-407 1 205 MHz, ring oscillator with eight 100TS tubes
Keying Unit BC-409 1 304TL tubes
Oscilloscope BC-412 3 5BP4 CRT
Modulator BC-423 1 five tubes
Modulator BC-435 1 two 250tls & eight 340tls
Range Unit BC-436 1
Converter BC-437 1
Frequency Meter BC-438 1 190-215 MHz, Link Mfg. Co
Frame FM-82 1
Rectifier RA-33 1 15 kV, HV PS
Range Calibrator RC-68 1
MK-3 IFF RC-148 1
Radar Test Set MPM-1 1
Trailer Turntable K-28 1 133-3/4 94" 194-3/4" 4 Ton Cap
Trailer Power K-34 1 121-3/8" 92-3/4" 214-1/2" 5 Ton Cap
Generator Set PE-84 1 64-1/8" 111-3/4" 35" 5,000 Lbs 600 Watts, 115 Volts, 60 Cycles

See Also:

