UPX-14 Long Range Interrogator-Responder IFF/SIF Set - A Long Range Interrogator-Responder IFF/SIF set built by ?????. The UPX-14 transmits IFF/SIF interrogations and receives replies from aircraft within the host radar's range. The UPX-14 requires a master external encoder and a separate decoder for each operating position/data processor. Typical of the encoder/decoder equipment used in a manual system is the GPA-122 which allows up to 14 decoder units or one for each radar scope. In the SAGE System the FST-2 Coordinate Data Transmitter supplies the encoder and decoder functions to the UPX-14. It is possible with the UPX-14 to process information about friendly aircraft (SIF) and to determine if an aircraft is friendly (IFF). SIF information is obtained by interrogating friendly aircraft with a set of two pulses, the space between them determines which of 4 modes is used. IFF (Identificaton Friend or Foe}) also known as Mode 4 transmits the two pulses and a classified (a/o 1958) encrypted code train of pulses providing identity information.
UPX-14 Interrogator-Responder IFF/SIF
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