These radar sets were installed in and on five story towers that were each capped with a 70 to 80 ton rotating antenna. Two types of towers were used, the most common was a five story concrete tower that rose 84' 6" high with a 60' 3" square footprint. This configuration was used in ten of the installations with the other two installations using steel framed towers. The rotating antennas were very large and only one, Baker Air Force Station, Oregon was covered with a radome. The Baker Air Force Station FPS-35 radome was mounted on a separate Radome Support Structure (RSS) that surrounded the tower. The initial installations of the FPS-35 revealed problems that caused some of the sites to delay operational status until 1962. The Montauk AFS installation caused radio interference problems in the vicinity and that radar was taken out of service in 1961. The problems were resolved and the radar was operational in 1962. All of the radar sets have now been dismantled and removed from the buildings except for the one at the former Montauk Air Force Station (Now Camp Hero State Park) on the eastern tip of Long Island, New York. That structure was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002 and has the antenna still mounted, now rusted and non-rotating. The building may also contain some of the radar set equipment and cabinets but is currently not open to the public.
FPS-35 search radar