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Murphy Dome AFS Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1955 1956 Major Newton, N/A
1956 1957 Lt. Colonel Fink, Ord J. N/A
1957 1958 Captain Delise, Dominic N/A
1960 1961 Lt. Colonel Shiver, Julius D. N/A
1961 1962 Lt. Colonel Chiles, N/A
1962 1963 Lt. Colonel Kidd, N/A
1963 Colonel Underwood, N/A
1963 1964 Lt.Colonel Weed, Willie N/A
1964 1965? Lt. Colonel Ruick, N/A
1966 1967 Colonel Tidwell, Samual N/A
1967 Colonel Clemons, Billy N/A
1968 1968 Lt. Colonel Schanberger, N/A
1968 1969 Colonel King, N/A
1970 1971 Colonel King, John P. N/A
1973 Colonel Kaphammer, N/A
1973 Lt. Colonel Mahaffee, N/A
1976-07 1977-07 Colonel Holland, William E. N/A
1977 1978 Colonel Stamps, Arthur E. N/A
1978 1979 Lt. Colonel Kelenhofer, N/A
1979 Lt. Colonel Green, N/A
1980 1981 Lt. Colonel Owens, N/A
1982 Lt. Colonel Pickford, N/A
1983 1983 Lt. Colonel Green III, Walter G. N/A

List compiled from various sources.