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California-Arizona Maneuver Area Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1942-04-01 1942-08-05 Major General Patton Jr., George S. 4795 I Armored Corps
1942-11-09 1943-03-29 Major General Walker, Walton H. 5090 II Armored Corps
1942-08-02 1942-11 Major General Gillem Jr., Alvan C. N/A IV Armored Corps
1943-03-29 1943-07-26 Major General White, Charles H. 4614 IX Corps
1943-07-23 1943-11-13 Major General Haislip, Wade H. 5054 XV Corps
1943-11-13 1944-01-17 Major General Patch, Jr., Alexander M. 5187 IV Corps
1944-01-17 1944-04 Major General Anderson, Jonathon W. N/A X Corps
U.S. Naval Academy 1911
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.