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Standalone GATR Sites (edit list)
SAGE JSS GATR Site St GPS Unit Notes
G-62 {{{IDJSS}}} Alpena GATR Site MI
R-18 {{{IDJSS}}} Beale GATR Site CA 39.0961,
Beale DC Closed in 1963 but the GATR Site
continued until 19??. Now Rod & Gun Club
R-12 {{{IDJSS}}} Brookfield GATR Site OH 41.22016,
662nd OL?? Brookfield AFS closed in 1959 but
the GATR Site operated into the 1970s
R-69 {{{IDJSS}}} Finland GATR Site MN 47.45602,
Finland AFS closed in 1980 but the
GATR site operate until 30 Sep 1984
R-27 {{{IDJSS}}} Fortuna GATR Site ND 48.88481,
Fortuna AFS closed in 1979 but the
GATR site operated until 19??
R-114 {{{IDJSS}}} Jacksonville GATR Site FL 30.09139,
The Jacksonville Radar Site closed in 1981
G-86 {{{IDJSS}}} Lakeview GATR Site OR
G-25 {{{IDJSS}}} Laughlin AFB GATR Site TX 2108 CS
R-22/G-35 {{{IDJSS}}} Lompoc GATR Site CA 34.55194,
775th OLAA Lompoc AFS closed in 1968 GATR Site
Retained as site R-22 and then G-35 Active
R-129 {{{IDJSS}}} MacDill GATR Site FL 27.83547,
1928 CS MacDill AFB Radar Site closed in 1980
GATR site operational until the 1983 JSS switch-over
R-27 {{{IDJSS}}} Malmstrom GATR Site MT 47.57963,
24 ADS Supported Malmstrom AFB Radar Site &
Malmstrom SAGE DC Operational till mid 1970s
R-20 {{{IDJSS}}} Manassas GATR Site VA 38.62628,
770th OLAA Supported Manassas AFS, VA
G-84 {{{IDJSS}}} McChord AFB GATR Site WA 47.12472,
GATR site for SAGE DC & CC operations
G-51 {{{IDJSS}}} McGuire AFB GATR Site NJ 40.02389,
GATR site for McGuire AFB SAGE (DC-1) &
Gibbsboro AFS, NJ, Still active
R-19 {{{IDJSS}}} Minot AFB GATR Site ND 48.434444,
R-45 {{{IDJSS}}} Montauk GATR Site NY
R-100 {{{IDJSS}}} Mount Hebo GATR Site OR
R-92/G-29 {{{IDJSS}}} Mount Lemon GATR Site AZ
R-16 {{{IDJSS}}} Newport GATR Site NC
R-113 {{{IDJSS}}} North Charleston GATR Site NJ 1968 CS
R-14/R-28 {{{IDJSS}}} Palermo GATR Site NJ 770th OLAB
G-63 {{{IDJSS}}} Plattsburgh AFB GATR Site NY
R-8 {{{IDJSS}}} Richards Gebaur GATR Site MO
R-23 {{{IDJSS}}} Rockville GATR Site IN
G-85 {{{IDJSS}}} Roy GATR Site MT
R-21/G-56 {{{IDJSS}}} Sanborn-Lockport GATR Site NY
R-10 {{{IDJSS}}} Shafter GATR Site CA 750 OL??
R-2 {{{IDJSS}}} Stewart GATR Site NY
R-25 {{{IDJSS}}} Topsham GATR Site ME 654th
R-26 {{{IDJSS}}} Truax GATR Site WI
R-49 {{{IDJSS}}} Watertown GATR Site NY