Fort Henry (10)
HistoryEstablished by Andrew Henry as a fur trading and supply post in April 1822. William H. Ashley and Andrew Henry had established a partnership to trade furs and Fort Henry was established as their base of operations. Ashley arrived in October 1822 with supples to support the expedition but returned to St. Louis leaving Henry to winter at the Fort. That spring Henry sent for supplies for the coming year and mounted two trapping expeditions. As a result, Fort Henry was found to be in an unsuitable location and it was moved to a location further up the Yellowstone to the mouth of the Bighorn River in present day Montana. This new location had been described by the Lewis & Clark Expedition as swarming with beaver and had become the site of earlier trading posts. Current StatusThe location given is approximate because the river course has changed dramatically at this location and little remains.
See Also: Sources: Links: Visited: Area 22 Sep 2013