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Calumet AFS Structures (edit list)
Number Building Area Currently
? Gate Shack Cantonment Yes
1 HQ/Admin Building Cantonment Yes Gas pump, Flag pole
3 Civil Engineering Cantonment Yes
4 Heating Plant Cantonment Yes
5-13 Family Housing Area Housing No Upper
14 Rec Hall Cantonment Yes Bowling Alley, Gym, Raquet Ball Court, MWR, Gas pump
16 Commissary Cantonment Yes Damaged
20 Chapel, Theater, Family Svcs, Ceramic Shop, Supply Cantonment ?
22 CEM Office Operations Yes
30 GATR Site Radio Yes
40 MEDIC/Dentist/Security Police Cantonment Yes
41 Bachelor Officer Quarters Cantonment Yes
42 Dining Hall Cantonment Yes
43 Dormitory Cantonment Yes
44 Dormitory Cantonment Yes
45 Consolidated Open Mess Cantonment Yes Barber shop, Library
49 Senior NCO Dormitory Cantonment Yes
50 Motor Pool/Auto Hobby Shop Cantonment Yes
51-68 Family Housing Housing Yes Middle
70 Youth Center Radio Yes Originally a Radio site
72-85 Family Housing Housing Yes Lower
100 Operations Building Operations Yes
153 Height Finder Tower Operations Yes FPS-26A
154 Search Radar Tower Operations Yes FPS-27
158 Power Plant Operations Yes
? Height Finder Tower Operations Foundation FPS-6 ??
? Height Finder Tower Operations Foundation FPS-6 ??