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SCR-588-B Major Components (As Packed for Shipment) (edit list)
Component Model Quantity Height Width Deep Weight Notes
Transmitter CS-118-B 1 6' 8" 8' 1" 3' 5" 3,500
Receiver Console CS-108-B 1 6' 4' 4' 1,200
Power Units PE-198-E 3 4' 9' 6' 15,000 (3)
Radiators 1' 9" 10' 2" 5' 4" 770
Reflectors 1' 11" 10' 6" 4' 11" 760
Turntable MC-407 1 2' 6" 2" 3" 1' 11" 5,000
Antenna Control MC-330-B 1 3' 4" 2' 3" 1' 11" 412
Test Equipment 2' 6" 2' 11" 2' 125
Spares & misc 31,608 20 Cases