Fort Gilmer (3)

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Fort Gilmer (3) (1838-1838) - A Trail of Tears removal fort established in 1838 south of Chatsworth, Murray County, Georgia. Named for George R. Gilmer, Governor of Georgia (1829-1831, 1837-1839). Abandoned later in 1838 after the removal.

Fort Gilmer Marker

History of Fort Gilmer

Established in 31 March 1838 by Captain Charles W. Bond and his mounted company of 67 men. Constructed in April and May 1838 to garrison troops ordered to enforce the removal Cherokee Indians and to contain the expected Cherokee prisoners. In all, the post reported escorting 334 prisoners to Ross's Landing to begin the removal.

The remnants of the Cherokee Nation were rounded up in 1838 by Federal forces and Georgia Militia and pressed into military stockades for eventual removal to reservations in the western Indian Territory. U.S. General Winfield Scott oversaw the operation but lacked control over the militia units. Some 7,000 U.S. Soldiers and Georgia Militia forced some 15,000 Cherokee Indians into stockades and held them for removal. The condition were terrible in the stockades and on the trail to the Indian Territory and many of the Cherokees died before reaching the new reservations. As many as 4,000 Cherokees may have died in the stockades and on the 800 mile journey west. The removal process and the conditions of removal came to be known as the "Trail of Tears".

This post was abandoned later in 1838 and the public stores were auctioned off.

Current Status

Marker only south of Chatsworth, Murray County, Georgia.


Location: South of Chatsworth, Murray County, Georgia. Map point is the roadside marker the fort site is presumed to be 100 yards to the east from the marker.

Maps & Images

Lat: 34.6611 Long: -84.70935

See Also:



Visited: 6 May 2016