Fort Lowell (1) (1862-1891) - First established as Post of Tucson 20 May 1862 by Lt. Colonel Joseph R. West, 1st California Volunteer Infantry, in the city of Tucson. Renamed Camp Lowell in 1866. Designated Fort Lowell 5 Apr 1879 after Brigadier General Charles R. Lowell, who was mortally wounded at Cedar Creek, Virginia, 20 Oct 1864. Abandoned 10 Apr 1891.
Fort Lowell Restored Commanding Officers Quarters.
Fort Lowell Hospital Ruins.
Fort Lowell Model.
Fort Lowell was a supply depot for the U.S. Army in southern Arizona and a base of operations against hostile Apache Indians between 1873 and 1891. The post was moved several times, moved to the current location 19 Mar 1873.
Fort Lowell Officer House Elevation HABS Drawing.
Fort Lowell Officer House Plan HABS Drawing.
Fort Lowell Hospital Ruins in 1937 HABS Photo.
Current Status
Tucson City Park, some original buildings and ruins, museum.
Roberts, Robert B., Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1988, 10th printing, ISBN 0-02-926880-X, page 42