Bordeaux Trading Post
HistoryA small trading post established in 1845-46 by James Bordeaux while in the employ of Pierre Chouteau, Jr. & Company. In the summer of 1845, Bordeaux occupied an important position at Fort Laramie. He later established headquarters on the Platte near the site of the Grattan massacre but maintained this small post in northwestern Nebraska for 26 years and carried on a successful trade with the Sioux through its use. This post was attacked by a Crow war party under White Bear in October 1849. A pursuing Brule Sioux party intercepted the raiders near the later site of Crawford, Nebraska and this action gave the name "Crow Butte" to a prominent landmark there. From 1872 until about 1876 this post was occupied by F. C. Boucher, another trader. In the summer of 1876, a military detail confiscated 40,000 rounds of Winchester ammunition at the post to prevent their sale to hostile Sioux. The PostThe site includes two buildings: a combined trading house and living quarters and a small warehouse. Current StatusPart of the Museu of the Fur Trade. Both buildings have been completely reconstructed to original lines and grades, using the original post holes and aged wood from nearby ranches.
See Also: Sources: Links: Visited: 11 Jun 2020