Fort Lowell (2)
Fort Lowell (2) (1866-1869) - A U.S. Army post established in 1866 as Camp Plummer in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. First named for Captain Augustus H. Plummer (Cullum 1626), 37th U.S. Infantry. Designated Fort Lowell on 13 Jul 1868 after Brigadier General Charles R. Lowell, who died 20 Oct 1864 of wounds received at Cedar Creek, Virginia, during the U.S. Civil War. Abandoned in 1869. HistoryA U.S. Army post established on 6 Nov 1866 to protect settlers against the hostile Ute and Jicarilla Apache Indians. The post was abandoned on 27 Jul 1869 and turned over as a tribal agency in 1872. Current StatusMarker only in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico.
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