Category:Not Visited
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Forts, Camps and Stations Not Visited
Pages in category "Not Visited"
The following 1,530 pages are in this category, out of 1,530 total.
- Battery 105
- Battery 107
- Battery 108
- Battery 109
- Battery 111
- Battery 112
- Battery 113
- Battery 155 - Ashley
- Battery 155 - Barber's Point
- Battery 155 - Biddeford Pool
- Battery 155 - Burrwood
- Battery 155 - Butler Point
- Battery 155 - Calcasieu Pass
- Battery 155 - Fort Brumback
- Battery 155 - Fort Rodman
- Battery 155 - Fort Ruger
- Battery 155 - Fort Schwatka
- Battery 155 - Fort Weaver
- Battery 155 - Hill 400
- Battery 155 - Manuels
- Battery 155 - Markham
- Battery 155 - Middle Cove
- Battery 155 - Mishaum Point
- Battery 155 - Pascagoula
- Battery 155 - Sakonnet Point
- Battery 155 - Salisbury Beach
- Battery 155 - Signal Hill
- Fort A.P. Hill
- Battery Abbot
- Fort Abercrombie (2)
- Naval Air Facility Adak
- Adak White Alice Communications Site
- Adobe Camp
- Ajo Air Force Station
- Ajo FAA Radar Site
- Fort Albany (1)
- Albert Head Battery
- Camp Alden
- Fort Alden
- Allegheny Arsenal
- Fort Alexander (1)
- Camp Allegheny
- Fort Allen (1)
- Fort Allen (4)
- Almaden Air Force Station
- Camp Alvord
- Battery AMTB - Amaknak Spit
- Battery AMTB - Cabrillo
- Battery AMTB - Cape Disappointment
- Battery AMTB - Eider Point Spit
- Battery AMTB - Fetterman
- Battery AMTB - Navy Field
- Battery AMTB - Terminal Island
- Battery AMTB 11 - Miller Field
- Battery AMTB 12 - Swinburne Island
- Battery AMTB 18 - Norton Point
- Battery AMTB 19 - Norton Point
- Battery AMTB 20 - Rockaway Point
- Battery AMTB 21 - Rockaway Point
- Battery AMTB 22 - Fort Story
- Battery AMTB 6 - Clatsop Spit
- Battery AMTB 911
- Battery AMTB 912
- Battery AMTB 913
- Battery AMTB 914
- Battery AMTB 915
- Battery AMTB 921
- Battery AMTB 923 (1)
- Battery AMTB 923 (2)
- Battery AMTB 942
- Battery AMTB 943
- Battery AMTB 944
- Battery AMTB 945
- Battery AMTB 962
- Battery AMTB 963
- Battery AMTB 965
- Battery AMTB 966
- Battery AMTB 967
- Battery AMTB 968
- Battery AMTB 969
- Battery AMTB 970
- Anchorage ARTCC
- Camp Anderson (2)
- Fort Anderson (1)
- Fort Andrew
- Fort Andrews (1)
- Aniak White Alice Communications Site
- Fort Ann (2)
- Antelope Station Post
- Fort Antes
- Antigo Air Force Station
- Anvil Mountain White Alice Communications Site
- Fort Apple River
- Apple Valley FAA Radar Site
- Camp Arbuckle (2)
- Arbuckle's Fort
- Camp Arivaca
- Battery Arizona
- Fort Arkansas
- Arlington Heights Air Force Station
- Battery Armistead (1)
- Battery Armistead (2)
- Fort Armistead (2)
- Fort Armstrong (2)
- Fort Armstrong (3)
- Fort Assumption
- Fort Athabasca River
- Camp Atkinson (5)
- Camp Atkinson (3)
- Atlanta Arsenal
- Atlanta ARTCC
- Auburn Blockhouse
- Fort Augusta (4)
- Battery Augustin
- Aurora Flight Strip
- Camp Aurora
- Camp Babbitt
- Fort Babcock (2)
- Fort Babcock (1)
- Battery Bailey (1)
- Fort Bailey
- Bailey Island Military Reservation
- Fort Baker (3)
- Fort Baldwin (2)
- Fort Balise
- Battery Bankhead (2)
- Fort Banks (1)
- Battery Barlow (2)
- Fort Barnard
- Fort Barnwell (2)
- Barrett Point Battery
- Battery Barri
- Fort Barrington
- Camp Barry
- Battery Barton
- Fort Bascom
- Battery Basinger
- Battery 6" Army - Point Brown
- Battery 6" Navy - Westport
- Knox Battery - West Point
- Camp Battle
- Battle Mountain Flight Strip
- Battle Mountain FAA Radar Site
- Baudette Air Force Station
- Camp Baxter
- Fort Baxter
- Battery Bayard
- Fort Bayard (2)
- Fort Beale
- Bear Creek White Alice Communications Site
- Fort Beauharnois
- Fort Beauregard (1)
- Fort Beauregard (3)
- Beausejour Air Station
- Fort Bedford (1)
- Battery Beecher
- Fort Belknap (1)
- Camp Belknap (3)
- Bell Island Battery
- Bellefontaine Air Force Station
- Belleville Air Force Station
- Fort Bellingham
- Bellows Field
- Battery Benjamin
- Fort Benjamin Harrison
- Fort Bennett (2)
- Fort Bennett (3)
- Fort Benson
- Benson FAA Radar Site
- Fort Benton (3)
- Benton Air Force Station
- Fort Bernard
- Battery Berry
- Fort Berry
- Camp Berry (1)
- Fort Berthold (2)
- Fort Berwick
- Bethel Air Force Station
- Biddeford Pool Military Reservation
- Battery Bienvenue
- Fort Bienvenue (1)
- Big Mountain White Alice Communications Site
- Fort Bigham
- Battery Billingsley
- Fort Billingsport
- Binns Hall FAA Radar Site
- Fort Bird
- Fort Bisland
- Camp Bitter Spring
- Camp Black (1)
- Camp Black (2)
- Black Rock Battery
- Fort Blackmore
- Fort Blount (3)
- Fort Blue Mounds
- Fort Boggy
- Boone's Station
- Fort Boonesborough
- Boston ARTCC
- Fort Bourbon (2)
- Camp Bowie (2)
- Camp Bowie (3)
- Fort Box
- Battery Boyd
- Battery Bradford
- Bradley Blockhouse
- Fort Bragg (1)
- Brecksville FAA Radar Site
- Battery Brooke
- Brookfield Air Force Station
- Fort Brooklyn
- Fort Brown (1)
- Fort Browning
- Fort Brumback
- Joseph Bryan's Station
- Camp Buckner (1)
- Fort Bulkley
- First Battle of Bull Run
- Camp Bullis
- Battery Bumpus
- Fort Bunker Hill (2)
- Battery Burbeck
- Battery Louis R. Burgess
- Fort Bute
- Fort Butler (1)
- Fort Butler (3)
- Battery Butterfield
- Fort Buttermilk
- Fort Buxton
- Fort Byrd
- Battery Byrne - West Point
- Camp C.F. Smith
- Cabot Blockhouse
- Camp Cady
- Fort Cagle
- Camp Cajon
- Fort Call (1)
- Fort Call (2)
- Camp Callan
- Calumet Air Force Station
- Cambria Air Force Station
- U.S. Army Camel Experiment
- Battery Cameron
- Camp Cameron (1)
- Camp Cameron (2)
- Battery Campbell
- Fort Campbell (2)
- Fort Campbell (4)
- Campion Air Force Station
- Fort Canajoharie
- Canoe Camp (1)
- Canton FAA Radar Site
- Cape Canaveral AFS Aerostat Radar Site
- Cape Flattery Military Reservation
- Cape Lisburne Air Force Station
- Cape May WWII Radar Site
- Cape Newenham Air Force Station
- Cape Romanzof Air Force Station
- Cape Spear Battery
- Fort Capron
- Caribou FAA Radar Site
- Camp Carleton
- Battery Carroll
- Fort Carroll (3)
- Fort Carroll (4)
- Battery Carroll G. Riggs
- Cartwright Air Station
- Cascade FAA Radar Site
- Fort Casey (2)
- Casey Point Battery
- Fort Cass (1)
- Fort Cass (2)
- Fort Cassin
- Camp Castaway
- Fort Castel
- Castle Hill
- Fort Castor
- Caswell Air Force Station
- Fort Center
- CFS Beaverlodge
- CFS Gander
- CFS Holberg
- Chain Bridge Battery
- Champlain Arsenal
- Fort Champoeg
- Battery Chandler
- Fort Chardon
- Charlestown Arsenal
- Fort Charlotte Martello Tower
- Camp Chase (1)
- Fort Chebucto
- Camp Chelan
- Fort Chene
- Cherry Point MCAS Radar Site
- Camp Cheyenne
- Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station
- Chicago ARTCC
- Fort Chipewyan
- Fort Chiswell
- Fort Christian
- Christopher Point Battery
- Fort Church
- Churchill Flight Strip
- Fort Churchill (2)
- Fort Cibolo
- Camp Circle City
- Citizens Redoubt
- Fort Clagett
- Camp Claiborne (3)
- Camp Clark (1)
- Fort Clark (4)
- Clarke and Lake's Fort
- Robert Clarke's Station
- Henry Clay's Station
- Claysburg Air Force Station
- Clear Air Force Station
- Clearfield FAA Radar Site
- Cleveland ARTCC
- Battery Clifton Lee
- Fort Clinch (2)
- Fort Clinch (4)
- Battery Clinton
- Camp Clinton
- Fort Clinton (4)
- Camp Clipper
- Battery Closson
- Fort Clyde (1)
- Cobble Hill Fort
- Camp Cochise
- Fort Cock Hill
- Camp Cody
- Cold Bay Air Force Station
- Camp Colfax
- Fort Collins (2)
- Camp Colorado (2)
- Columbia Arsenal (2)
- Columbus Arsenal (1)
- Camp Como
- New Fort Congaree
- Old Fort Congaree
- Fort Conger
- Battery Connell
- Fort Conrad (1)
- Continental Divide Air Force Station
- Cook's Hill Fort
- Battery Cooke
- Camp Cooke (2)
- Fort Coontz
- John Cooper's Station
- Coopersville FAA Radar Site
- Fort Coote
- Camp Coppinger (1)
- Camp Coppinger (2)
- Fort Corcoran
- Fort à la Corne (1)
- Fort à la Corne (2)
- Cornwallis Fort
- Coronado Beach Military Reservation
- Fort Cosmos
- Fort Covington (1)
- Fort Covington (3)
- Fort Cox
- Battery Craig
- Fort Craig (3)
- Fort Crailo
- Battery Cram
- Camp Crane (1)
- Craney Island Fort
- Fort Craven (2)
- Battery Crawford
- Fort Crawford (1)
- Fort Crevecoeur (2)
- Battery Crittenden
- Lunette Crittenden
- Fort Crockett WWII Radar Site
- Fort Croghan (2)
- Fort Crook (2)
- Camp Crook (6)
- Battery Cross
- Cross City Air Force Station
- Cross City FAA Radar Site
- Fort Crowder (2)
- Battery Cruft
- Fort Crutchfield
- Crystal Springs Air Force Station
- Cudjoe Key Air Force Station
- Camp Cummings
- Fort Cummings (1)
- Fort Cummings (2)
- Cummington FAA Radar Site
- Curlew Air Force Station
- Camp Curry
- Samuel Curtwright's Station
- Battery Cushing
- Fort Custer (2)
- Custer Air Force Station
- Custer SAGE Direction Center DC-06
- Fort Dade (1)
- Fort Dade (2)
- Fort Dallas
- Battery Dalliba
- Battery Daniels
- Dansville FAA Radar Site
- Camp Date Creek
- Fort Dauphin (1)
- Fort Dauphin (3)
- Fort Davenport
- Camp Davies
- Battery Davis (3)
- Fort Davis (3)
- Fort Dayton (2)
- Fort de La Boulaye
- Fort De Russy (2)
- Fort Dearborn (3)
- Fort Dearborn (1)
- Fort Decatur (2)
- Fort Decatur (3)
- Fort Decker
- Fort Defiance (10)
- Fort Defiance (13)
- Fort Defiance (20)
- Fort Defiance (4)
- Fort Defiance (7)
- Battery DeHart
- Fort Delancey
- Deming FAA Radar Site
- Fort Denaud
- Camp Dennison (1)
- Fort Deposit (2)
- Fort Des Moines (2)
- Fort Des Moines (3)
- Camp Desert Rock
- Fort Deshler
- Fort Detrick
- Fort Detroit
- Detroit Arsenal (1)
- Detroit Arsenal (2)
- Detroit Barracks
- Battery Dickenson
- Dickinson Air Force Station
- Dillingham Air Force Base
- Battery Dimick
- Fort Dinwiddie (2)
- Fort Dix
- Fort Dixon
- Dobb's Ferry Forts
- Camp Doniphan
- Douglas Army Airfield
- Fort Drane
- Battery Drum
- Fort Dubois (1)
- Fort Duchesne
- Battery Dudley
- Duke of Clarence Martello Tower
- Duluth SAGE Direction Center DC-10
- Camp Dun Glen
- Battery Duncan
- Fort Duncan (2)
- Duncanville Air Force Station
- Dundas Point Battery
- Duntze Head Battery
- Fort Dunvegan
- Tower Dupre
- Fort Durham
- Battery Dutton
- Fort Duval
- Fort Duwamish
- Camp Dyea
- Eagle Peak FAA Radar Site
- Eareckson Air Station
- Fort Ebey (1)
- Edgewood Arsenal
- Fort Edwards (2)
- Fort Egbert
- Eglin Air Force Base
- Camp El Dorado
- El Paso FAA Radar Site
- Elder Point WWII Radar Site
- Battery Eldridge
- Fort Elfsborg
- Fort Elk Garden
- Ellensburg Army Airfield
- Fort Ellice
- Camp Elliff
- Fort Ellsworth (2)
- Elmendorf JSS ROCC
- Fort Emory (2)
- Battery Engle (2)
- Fort Esopus
- Fort Esperanza
- Ethan Allen Air Force Base
- Camp Evans
- Fort Ewell
- Fairview Point Battery
- Falls City FAA Radar Site
- Fort Fanning (2)
- Fort Far West
- Fort Farnsworth
- Fayetteville Arsenal
- Battery Fearns
- Fort Federal Hill
- Felts Field
- Battery Ferguson
- Battery Fergusson
- Battery Fetterman
- Fort Fetterman
- Fort Fillmore
- Fire Island Air Force Station
- Fort Fireman
- Fort Fish
- Camp Fish Lake
- Fort Florida
- Fort Flournoy
- Battery Floyd
- Fort Floyd (1)
- Fort Floyd (2)
- Forts Folle Avoine
- Fordland Air Force Station
- Forks Fort
- Fort Forrest
- Battery Forse
- Fort Canby WWII Radar Site
- Fort Heath Radar Site
- Fort Herchmer
- Fort Lonesome FAA Radar Site
- Fort Meade Radar Site
- Fort No. 5 - NYC
- Fort Yukon Air Force Station
- Fortuna Air Force Station
- Fortunate Camp
- Fossil FAA Radar Site
- Fox Hill Fort (1)
- Frances Lake Post
- Frankford Arsenal
- Fort Franklin (5)
- Battery Fraser
- Frederick Point Battery
- Camp Fremont (1)
- Camp at Fremonts Peak
- Battery French
- Camp Funston (1)
- Gaillardin Redoubt
- Battery Gaines
- Fort Gaines (4)
- Gallup FAA Radar Site
- Fort Galphin
- Battery Galpin
- Fort Galt
- Fort Gansevoort
- Garden City FAA Radar Site
- Fort Gardiner
- Battery Garesche (2)
- Fort Garesche (2)
- Fort Garrott
- Battery Gaston
- Fort Gates
- Fort George (14)
- Fort George (18)
- Fort George (2)
- Fort George (20)
- Fort Gibbon
- Gibbsboro Air Force Station
- Fort Gibson (2)
- Fort Gilbert
- Fort Gillem
- Gillespie's Fort
- Fort Girardeau
- Fort Glass
- Glencoe Aerostat Radar Site
- Fort Glenn
- Fort at Gloucester
- Fort Good Hope (2)
- Fort Good Hope (3)
- Fort Goodwin
- Camp Gordon (1)
- Camp Gordon (3)
- Lunette Gordon Granger
- Gore Field
- Fort Gorges
- Fort Graham
- Graham's Fort
- Fort Granby
- Grand Battery
- Grand Junction FAA Radar Site
- Grand Rapids Air Force Station
- Fort Grant (1)
- Camp Grant (5)
- John Grant's Station
- Fort Granville
- Gray Army Airfield
- Grays Harbor Military Reservation
- Great Brewster Island Military Reservation
- Great Chebeague Island Military Reservation
- Battery Greble
- Fort Greble (2)
- Fort Greely (1)
- Fort Greely (2)
- Greenbush Cantonment
- Camp Greene
- Fort Greene (1)
- Fort Greene (3)
- Fort Greene (4)
- Fort Gregg (3)
- Fort Gregg (4)
- Fort Grenadier
- Grenadier's Battery
- Fort Grigsby
- Groom Lake Airfield
- Camp Guernsey
- Fort Guijarros
- Fort Gunnison
- Guthrie Air Force Station
- Fort H.G. Wright
- Battery Hackleman (2)
- Battery Hackleman (1)
- Fort Haggerty
- Battery Hagner
- Fort Haldimand
- Battery Hale
- Fort Halleck (1)
- Fort Hamilton (1)
- Battery Hamilton (2)
- Fort Hamilton (2)
- Fort Hamilton (3)
- Fort Hamilton (6)
- Camp Hancock (2)
- Hancock Barracks
- Hanna City Air Force Station
- Hanna City FAA Radar Site
- Battery Harker (2)
- Fort Harmar
- Battery Harris (2)
- Fort Harrison (1)
- Camp Harry J. Jones
- Battery Hasbrouck
- Fort Hase
- Hastings Air Force Station
- Hawaii Arsenal
- Battery Hawkins
- Fort Hayes (2)
- Fort Hays (2)
- Battery Heart
- Fort Heileman
- Helena Barracks
- Fort Henderson (1)
- Fort Henry (9)
- Battery Henry Adair
- Fort Herkimer (1)
- Camp Hero
- Herschel Island Post
- Hickam Air Force Base
- Fort Hill (5)
- Battery Hitchcock
- HMCS Protector
- Hoboken Port of Embarkation
- Battery Hoffman
- Camp Hoffman (1)
- Fort Holland (1)
- Fort Holmes (4)
- Fort Holmes (5)
- Fort Holt
- Hopedale Air Station
- Battery Hoppock
- Horicon FAA Radar Site
- Horn's Hook Fort
- Horseman's Fort
- Fort Hoskins (2)
- Hospital Redoubt
- Houma Air Force Station
- Fort House
- Battery House (2)
- Fort Howard (2)
- Fort Howie
- Fort Hoyle
- Camp Hualpai
- Fort Huger (1)
- Fort Hunter (3)
- Fort Huntington Smith
- Huntsville Arsenal
- Jack River Post
- Battery Jackson
- Fort Jackson (1)
- Jackson Army Air Base
- Camp Jackson (4)
- Fort Jackson (5)
- Fort Jackson (8)
- Fort Jackson (9)
- Fort Jacksonville
- Jacksonville NAS Radar Site
- Jeffersonville Quartermaster Depot
- Jersey Battery
- Fort Jewell
- Jewell Island Military Reservation
- Camp John S. Poland
- Fort Johns
- Redoubt Johnson
- Fort Johnson (6)
- Fort Johnson (7)
- Camp Joseph E. Johnston (2)
- Camp Johnston (1)
- Fort Sidney Johnston
- Joliet FAA Radar Site
- Fort Jones (1)
- Fort Jones (2)
- Fort Jones (4)
- Jones Hill Fort
- Cantonment Jordan
- Fort Juelson
- Julesburg Post
- Fort Jupiter
- Fort Jurupa
- Kaala Air Force Station
- Kahe Point Military Reservation
- Fort Kamehameha
- Camp Kearny (2)
- Fort Kearny (3)
- Fort Kearny (5)
- Battery Kearny-Chase
- Fort Keene
- Battery Kelly
- Fort Kenay
- Battery Kendrick
- Fort Keogh
- Battery Kessler
- Key West NAS Radar Site
- Fort Keyser
- King Philip's Fort
- King Salmon Air Force Station
- King's Bridge Redoubt
- King's Redoubt
- Kingman Army Airfield
- Battery Kingsbury (2)
- Camp Kinsman
- Fort Kirby Smith
- Battery Lewis S. Kirkpatrick
- John Kiser's Station
- Fort Kitchen
- Fort Knox (3)
- Fort Kodiak
- Kokee Air Force Station
- Kootenai Post (4)
- Fort Koshkonong
- Kotzebue Air Force Station
- Fort L'Huillier
- La Grange FAA Radar Site
- Camp La Paz
- Fort La Pointe
- NIKE LA-94C Los Pinetos
- NIKE LA-94L Newhall
- Presidio LaBahia
- Fort Lafayette (2)
- Fort Laight
- Lake Charles FAA Radar Site
- Fort Lamerick
- Camp Langdon
- Battery Lanthorn - West Point
- Lapierre House
- Fort Larrabee
- Fort Lauderdale
- Laurel Army Air Field
- Fort Lawrence (1)
- Lazaretto Battery
- Fort Learnard
- Fort Lebanon
- Fort Lee (1)
- Camp Lee (3)
- Fort Lee (6)
- Fort Leflore
- Leon Springs Military Reservation
- Camp Lewis (2)
- Fort Lewis (3)
- Fort Lewis (4)
- Fort Liard
- Camp Lincoln (1)
- Fort Lincoln (4)
- Fort Lincoln (5)
- Fort Liscum
- Lispenard's Redoubt
- Fort Livingston
- Camp Livingston
- Fort Livingstone
- Lockport Air Force Station
- Battery Lodor
- Camp Logan (1)
- Camp Logan (2)
- Lompoc Air Force Station
- London FAA Radar Site
- Long Island Military Reservation
- Fort Look-Out
- Fort Lookout (4)
- Fort Loring
- Los Angeles Air Force Base
- Los Angeles ARTCC
- Camp Los Lunas
- Fort Loudoun (4)
- Fort Louis (2)
- Fort Lovell
- Fort Lowell (2)
- Fort Lucas
- Lufkin Air Force Station
- Luke Field (1)
- Lusk FAA Radar Site
- Fort Luttrell
- Lynch FAA Radar Site
- Fort Lyon (1)
- Fort Lyon (3)
- Fort Lytle
- Fort Lyttleton (1)
- Camp MacArthur (1)
- Macon Arsenal
- Fort Madison (2)
- Fort Madison (4)
- Fort Magruder (2)
- Battery Mahan (2)
- Maiden FAA Radar Site
- Maiden Springs Fort
- Fort Maidstone
- Battery Maitland
- Manchester House
- Fort Manhassett
- Fort Mansfield (1)
- Fort Mansfield (2)
- Fort Manti
- Fort Manuel (1)
- Fort Manuel Lisa (1)
- Manzanar War Relocation Center
- Marana Army Airfield
- March JSS ROCC
- Battery Marcy
- Camp Marl Springs
- Fort Marshall (1)
- Battery Martin Scott
- Martin's Station
- John Martin's Station
- Fort Mary (2)
- Mary Hill Battery
- Battery Mason
- Fort Mason (5)
- Fort Masonic
- Fort Massachusetts (3)
- Fort Massachusetts (4)
- Mather Air Force Base Radar Site
- Fort Maurepas (2)
- Fort McAllister (2)
- Fort McAndrew
- William McConnell's Station
- Lunette McCook
- Battery McCook (2)
- Fort Dan McCook
- Fort McCulloch
- Camp McDowell
- Fort McGarry
- Fort McGilvray
- McGowan's Pass Redoubt
- Fort McIntosh (2)
- Fort McIntosh (3)
- Camp McKee (2)
- Camp McKinley (4)
- Fort McLane (1)
- Fort McMurray
- Fort McNeil
- Fort McPherson (1)
- Fort McPherson (3)
- Fort McPherson (4)
- Camp McQuaide
- Camp Meade (2)
- Fort Means
- Fort Mears
- Battery Meed
- Fort Meigs (2)
- Camp Meigs (3)
- Fort Meigs (3)
- Melville Air Station
- Fort Menaskoux
- Fort Mercer
- Battery Merrill
- Camp Merritt (2)
- Mesa Rica FAA Radar Site
- Miami ARTCC
- Fort Michie
- Middle Fort
- Middleton Island Air Force Station
- Fort Mifflin
- Fort Mihalotzy
- Fort Milam (1)
- Fort Milam (2)
- Miles City Air Force Station
- Mill Rock Fort
- John Miller's Station
- Battery Milliken
- Camp Mills
- Minneapolis ARTCC
- Fort Miner
- Mishaum Point Military Reservation
- Mission La Concepcion de Ayubale
- Mission La Encarnacion a la Santa Cruz de Sabacola
- Mission Los Santos Angeles de Guevavi
- Mission Nuestra Senora de la Luz Orcoquisac
- Mission San Antonio de Bacuqua
- Mission San Buenaventura de Potano
- Mission San Carlos de los Chacatos
- Mission San Cayetano de Calabazas
- Mission San Damian de Cupaica
- Mission San Francisco de Oconi
- Mission San Francisco de Potano
- Mission San Ildefonso de Chamini
- Mission San Joseph de Ocuya
- Mission San Juan de Aspalaga
- Mission San Martin de Timucua
- Mission San Martin de Tomole
- Mission San Matheo de Tolapatafi
- Mission San Miguel de Asile
- Mission San Nicolas de Tolentino
- Mission San Pedro de los Chines
- Mission San Pedro de Potohiriba
- Mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Patale
- Mission San Sebastian
- Mission Santa Cruz de Capoli
- Mission Santa Cruz y San Bueneventura de Guadalquini
- Mission Santa Elena de Machab
- Mission Santa Fe de Toloca
- Fort Mitchell (1)
- Battery Mitchell (2)
- Battery Mitchell (3)
- Fort Mojave
- Fort Moniac
- Fort Monmouth
- Montauk Air Force Station
- Fort Moore (1)
- Camp Moore (2)
- Morales FAA Radar Site
- Camp Morris (1)
- Battery Morris (2)
- Fort Morris (2)
- Battery Morris (3)
- Fort Morris (4)
- Fort Morrison
- Camp Morton (1)
- Fort Morton (2)
- Fort Morton (3)
- Fort Mott (2)
- Fort Motte
- Fort Mouton
- Fort Mulligan (1)
- Fort Mulligan (2)
- Camp Murphy
- Murphy Dome Air Force Station
- Fort Naches
- Nashwauk FAA Radar Site
- Fort Nassau (2)
- Fort Nassau (3)
- United States Naval Air Station North Sydney
- Fort Neally
- Fort Necessity (1)
- Lunette Negley
- Fort Nelson (1)
- Fort Nelson (2)
- Fort New Casco
- Fort New Gloucester
- New York City Blockhouses
- New York ARTCC
- Camp Newell
- Fort Newnan
- Newport Barracks (2)
- Newport FAA Radar Site
- Newport News Port of Embarkation
- Fort Nichols
- NIKE SL-40C Hecker
- NIKE SL-40L Hecker
- Fort Niobrara
- Fort Niskayuna
- Fort No. 1 - NYC
- Fort No. 2 - NYC
- Fort No. 3 - NYC
- Fort No. 4 - NYC
- Fort No. 6 - NYC
- Fort No. 7 - NYC
- Fort No. 8 - NYC
- Battery Noble
- Fort Noble
- Fort Nonsense (1)
- Fort Nonsense (2)
- Fort Norman
- Battery North (1)
- North Head WWII Radar Site (2)
- North Platte FAA Radar Site
- Northeast Cape Air Force Station
- Norway House
- Fort O'Rourke
- Oakdale Air Force Station
- Oakland ARTCC
- Oblong Redoubt
- Odessa FAA Radar Site
- Battery Ogden
- Fort Ogden (1)
- Fort Ogden (2)
- Ohlson Mountain Air Force Station
- Oilton FAA Radar Site
- Camp Ojo Caliente
- Old Stone Fort (3)
- Olympia Army Airfield
- Olympia Blockhouse
- Camp Onward
- Camp Ormsby
- Osceola Air Force Station
- Camp Otis (1)
- Fort Ouiatenon
- Outer Brewster Island Military Reservation
- Owingsville Air Force Station
- Owl's Nest Fort
- Fort Oxford
- Oyster Battery
- Palermo Air Force Station
- Battery Palmer
- Fort Paris
- Camp Parks
- Battery Parrott (2)
- Battery Pasco
- Fort Paskoya
- Paso Robles FAA Radar Site
- Fort Patrick Henry (1)
- Patterson's Fort
- Patton’s Fort
- Paulus Hook Fort
- Fort Pavlosk
- Battle of Pea Ridge
- Pedro Dome White Alice Communications Site
- Fort Peirce
- Fort Pelham
- Fort Pelly
- Pendleton Army Airfield
- Fort Pepperrell (2)
- Perrin Air Force Station
- Fort Perrot (1)
- Fort Petite Coquilles (1)
- Fort Peyton
- Philipsburg Blockhouse
- Phoenix FAA Radar Site
- Picatinny Arsenal
- Fort Pickett
- Battery Pike
- Fort Pike (3)
- Fort Pike (4)
- Pikesville Arsenal
- Pine Bluff Arsenal
- Fort Pio Pico
- Fort Piqua
- Fort Pitt (2)
- Fort Plank
- Fort Pleasant (2)
- Point Arena Air Force Station
- Fort Polk (1)
- Pollock Army Air Field
- Port Austin Air Force Station
- Port Isabel Air Force Station
- Fort Powhatan
- Presidio Dolores de los Tejas
- Presidio Isla Santa Rosa Punta de Siguenza
- Presidio of San Bernardino
- Presidio of Santa Cruz
- Presidio San Augustin de Ahumada
- Presidio San Francisco Xavier de Gigedo
- Fort Preston (1)
- Fort Preston (2)
- Preston Supply Depot
- Fort Prince Charles
- Fort Prince George (3)
- Fort Proctor
- Prospect Hill Fort (2)
- Fort Providence (4)
- Puntzi Mountain Air Station
- Camp Putnam
- Fort Putnam (4)
- Camp Radziminski
- Fort Rae
- Fort Raglan
- Rainbow Ridge FAA Radar Site
- Ralston Fort
- Ramore Air Station
- Camp Rampart
- Rampart House
- Battery Ramsay
- Camp Randall
- Battery Randolph
- Fort Randolph (3)
- Fort Ranger
- Raritan Arsenal
- Camp Rathbun
- Camp Rawlins (1)
- Fort Ray
- Fort Raymond (1)
- Fort Raymond (2)
- RCAF Station Alsask
- RCAF Station Edgar
- RCAF Station Foymount
- RCAF Station Lac St. Denis
- RCAF Station Saint Margarets
- RCAF Station Senneterre
- RCAF Station Sydney
- Rebel Redoubt
- Red Cliff Air Station
- Redoubt 3 - West Point
- Redoubt 5 - Constitution Island
- Redoubt Schofield
- Battery Reilly
- Battery Reilly (2)
- Fort Reliance (1)
- Camp Reno
- Fort Resolution
- Lunette Reynolds
- Fort Reynolds (2)
- Battery Rice
- Rice's Fort
- Fort Richardson (2)
- Fort Richardson (3)
- Fort Richmond (2)
- Richmond Air Force Station
- Battery George Ricker
- Battery Ridgely
- Fort Riley (3)
- Fort Ringgold
- Fort Ritchie
- Battery Rivardi
- Riverhead FAA Radar Site
- Fort Roberdeau
- Camp Robert B. Smith
- Fort Robidoux (1)
- Fort Robinson (2)
- Rochester Air Force Station
- Rock Island Arsenal
- Rock Island Barracks
- Rock Island Military Reservation
- Camp Rock Springs (2)
- Rock Springs FAA Radar Site
- Rockport Air Force Station
- Rocksprings FAA Radar Site
- Rockville Air Force Station
- Rockville FAA Radar Site
- Rocky Mountain Arsenal
- Battery Rodgers
- Fort Roger Jones
- Roger's Fort
- Camp Rogers (1)
- Roslyn Air Force Station
- Battery Rossell
- Roundtree's Fort
- Fort Rousseau
- Lunette Rousseau
- Fort Rowland
- Fort Royal
- Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps Depot Johnstown
- Fort Ruby
- Fort Ruger
- Fort Runyon
- Fort Rupert
- Fort Russell (2)
- Fort Russell (6)
- Russellville FAA Radar Site
- Fort Rutledge
- Camp Sabinal
- Camp Sabine (1)
- Fort Sackville (1)
- Fort Sackville (2)
- Fort Saco
- Camp Sadler (2)
- Fort Sage
- Saglek Air Station
- Saint Albans Air Force Station
- Fort Saint Antoine
- Fort Saint Joseph (2)
- Fort Sainte Anne (2)
- Salisbury Beach Military Reservation
- Salt Ponds WWII Radar Site
- Joint Base San Antonio
- Fort San Antón de Carlos
- Fort San Bernardino (1)
- San Clemente Air Force Station
- San Diego Barracks
- Fort San Felipe del Morro
- Fort San Fernando de las Barrancas
- Fort San Jacinto WWII Radar Site (1)
- Fort San Jacinto WWII Radar Site (2)
- Fort San Juan
- Mission San Lorenzo de Ivitachuco
- Fort San Luis Pass
- Fort San Marcos De Apalache
- San Nicolas Island USN Radar Site
- Mission San Pedro y San Pablo de Potohiriba
- Fort Sanderson
- Sandwich Point Battery
- Santa Rosa Island Air Force Station
- Fort Saratoga
- Fort Sarpy (1)
- Fort Sarpy (2)
- Fort Sartwell
- Savanna Army Depot
- Fort Savannah (2)
- Savannah Air Force Station
- Fort Scaggs
- Fort Schenectady
- Fort Schlosser
- Battery Schofield - West Point
- Schofield Barracks
- Schriever Space Force Base
- Fort Schuyler (1)
- Schuylkill Arsenal
- Fort Schwatka
- Battery Scott (1)
- Fort Scott (5)
- Camp Scurry
- Seacoast Battery - West Point
- Battery Sedgwick
- Fort Sedgwick (1)
- Fort Sedgwick (2)
- Fort Selden (1)
- Battery Selfridge
- Selfridge Air Force Base Radar Site
- Seligman FAA Radar Site
- Fort Selkirk
- Fort Severn
- Camp Sevier (1)
- Fort Seward (2)
- Fort William H. Seward
- Fort Seybert
- Fort Shafter
- Camp Shannon
- Fort Shelby (2)
- Sheppard Air Force Base
- Sherbrooke Martello Tower
- Fort Sheridan (2)
- Camp Sheridan (3)
- Camp Sherman (2)
- Camp Shipp
- Fort Shirley (1)
- Fort Shirley (3)
- Fort Siebert
- Siege and Mortar Battery - West Point
- Signal Hill
- Signal Hill 8" Battery
- Signal Hill Battery
- Battery Sill
- Silver City FAA Radar Site
- Silver Lake Air Warning Station
- Fort Simmons
- Simon Denys Fort
- Fort Simpson (1)
- Site R - Raven Rock Military Complex
- Camp Skagway
- Fort Slaughter
- Fort Slemmer
- Fort Slocum (2)
- Battery Smead
- Fort J.H. Smith
- Fort Smith (3)
- Camp Smith (7)
- Fort Smith (7)
- Camp Smoke Creek
- Battery Smyth
- Snow Mountain Air Force Station
- Fort Snyder (2)
- Fort Soda
- Camp Soldiers Meadow
- Sonora FAA Radar Site
- South Branch House
- North Redoubt - Garrison
- South Redoubt - Garrison
- Sparrevohn Air Force Station
- Springfield Armory
- St. Anthony Air Station
- Fort St. Charles (3)
- Fort St. Croix
- Fort St. John (4)
- Fort St. Louis (7)
- Fort St. Louis De Carlorette
- St. Louis FAA Radar Site
- Fort St. Mary
- Fort St. Michael (2)
- Fort St. Nicholas (2)
- Fort St. Nicholas (1)
- Fort St. Philip
- Fort St. Pierre (1)
- Fort St. Simons
- Fort St. Stephens
- Camp Stambaugh
- Fort Standish (1)
- Camp Stanislaus
- Fort Stanley
- Lunette Stanley
- Stanley R. Mickelsen Safeguard Complex
- Fort Stansbury
- Camp Stanton (1)
- Fort Ste. Reine
- Battery Stearman
- Battery Steele
- Fort Stephenson
- Stephenville Air Station
- Fort Steuben (2)
- Battery Stevens
- Fort Stevens (5)
- Fort Stirling
- Stone Fort (1)
- Battery Stoneman
- Strawberry Battery
- Fort Strong (1)
- Fort Strong (2)
- Camp Stuart (2)
- Fort J.E.B. Stuart
- Battery Sullivan
- Fort Sullivan (2)
- Fort Sumner (3)
- Fort Swift
- Battery Talbot
- Tamiami FAA Radar Site
- Tatalina Air Force Station
- Battery Taylor (1)
- Battery Taylor (2)
- Fort Tecumseh
- Fort Tenoxtitlan
- Fort Teran
- Fort Terrett
- Battery Terrill (1)
- Battery Terrill (2)
- Fort Terry
- Texarkana Air Force Station
- Texarkana FAA Radar Site
- Fort Thayer
- The Plains FAA Radar Site
- Thicketty Fort
- Fort Thomas (3)
- Fort Thompson (3)
- Battery Thompson (2)
- Fort Thorn
- Fort Thornburgh
- Camp Three Forks Owyhee
- Fort Tidball
- Tierra Amarilla Air Force Station
- Fort Tilden
- Fort Tillinghast
- Fort Tilton
- Tin City Air Force Station
- Fort Tompkins (2)
- Fort Tongass
- Tonopah Test Range Airport
- Battery Totten
- Battery Tousard
- Battery Towson
- Fort Tracy
- Fort Tracy (2)
- Camp Travis
- Fort Travis (1)
- Fort Travis WWII Radar Site
- Trempealeau Post
- Trevose FAA Radar Site
- Camp Trinidad
- Fort Trinity (2)
- Truax SAGE Direction Center DC-07
- Fort Tryon
- Fort Tularosa
- Tule Lake War Relocation Center
- Turtle Bay Depot
- Fort Tuscarora
- Two Medicine Fight Site
- Fort Tyler (1)
- Tyler FAA Radar Site
- Tyndall JSS ROCC
- Wadena Air Force Station
- Camp Wadsworth (1)
- Fort Wagner (1)
- Fort Wagner (2)
- Fort Wainwright
- Battery Walbach
- Camp Walbach
- Battery Walcott
- Camp Walker (1)
- Fort Walker (3)
- Walla Walla Army Air Base
- Camp Wallace (1)
- Camp Wallen
- Walnut Ridge Air Force Station
- Battery Ward
- Camp Warner (1)
- Camp Warner (2)
- Warwick Neck Fort
- Camp Washington (1)
- Fort Washington (3)
- Fort Washington (5)
- Washington DC ARTCC
- Waterbury's Battery
- Watford City FAA Radar Site
- Camp Watson
- Fort Wayne (3)
- Fort Weaver
- Fort Webb (1)
- Fort Webster (2)
- Fort Weed
- Fort Welch
- Fort Weller
- Wellington Barracks
- Fort West
- Fort McDonough
- Battery Westport-1
- Battery Westport-2
- Camp Wetherill (1)
- Battery Weymouth
- Battery Wheaton
- Fort Wheaton
- Camp Wheeler (2)
- Wheeler Army Airfield
- Wheeler JSS ROCC
- Battery Whipple
- Fort Whipple (1)
- Fort W.D. Whipple
- Battery Whistler
- White Catfish Camp
- Camp on White River
- Whitehall Battery
- Whitehorse NWMP Post
- Battery Whitman
- Camp Wikoff
- Wildcat Military Reservation
- Wildcat Ridge WWII Radar Site
- Fort Wilkinsonville
- Willapa Military Reservation
- Battery Willapa-1
- Battery Willapa-2
- Fort Willard
- Fort Willett
- Fort William (1)
- Fort William (9)
- Fort Williams (3)
- Fort Williams (4)
- Fort Williams (5)
- Williams Air Force Base
- Williams Bay Air Force Station
- Willmar Air Force Station
- Willow Creek Camp
- Camp Willow Grove
- Willow Run Manual Direction Center P-23
- Battle of Wilson's Creek
- Fort Windecker
- Windsor Blockhouse
- Fort Wingate (1)
- Winslow Air Force Station
- Winston-Salem Air Force Station
- Battery Winthrop
- Fort Winthrop (1)
- Camp Witherell
- Fort Witten
- Fort Wolcott
- Wolf Ridge WWII Radar Site (1)
- Fort Wolters
- Redoubt T.J. Wood
- Fort Woodbury
- Battery Wooster
- Fort Worth (2)
- Fort Wrangell
- Camp Wright (1)
- Fort Wright (2)
- Fort Wyllis