Fort Blount (3)
Fort Blount (3) (1788-1796) - A militia fort first established about 1788 on the west bank of the Cumberland River near Flynn's Lick, Jackson County, Tennessee. Named Fort Blount after territorial governor William Blount. Abandoned about 1796. History of Fort BlountAfter the Avery Trace road was built from North Carolina to Nashville, governor William Blount ordered a fort to be built at the Cumberland River crossing to protect travelers from hostile Cherokee Indians. About 1791 fort construction was begun and a ferry was established at the crossing. Excavations of the fort site indicate that the fort had a single central blockhouse that was enclosed by a timber stockade with a gate facing a creek. Water was supplied by a spring on the grounds. The fort was manned by militia until Tennessee became a state in 1796 and by Federal troops of the 3rd U.S. Infantry under Captain William Rickard until about 1798. The fort structure continued to be used by travelers for years. Current StatusArchaeological excavations of the Fort Blount site began in 1989 and continued for several seasons.
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