Sherbrooke Martello Tower

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Sherbrooke Martello Tower (1814-1866) - A British colonial Martello tower established in 1814 at present day Magruder Beach on McNab Island, Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Designed by Colonel Gustavus Nicolls, Commanding Royal Engineers. Completed in 1828 and placed in use as a lighthouse.

Sherbrooke Martello Tower Site under the Lighthouse


Part of the Harbor Defense of Halifax.

One of five Martello Towers built for the defense of Halifax Harbor. The towers were mainly designed to provide land side protection for water facing batteries. The five Halifax Harbor Martello Towers were:

Halifax Harbor Martello Towers
Tower Built Designed by Fort Location Notes
Prince of Wales Martello Tower 1796 Capt. James Straton Point Pleasant
Duke of Clarence Martello Tower 1798 Capt. James Straton Fort Clarence Dartmouth
Duke of York Martello Tower 1798 Capt. James Straton York Redoubt
Fort Charlotte Martello Tower 1812 Capt. Gustavus Nicolls Fort Charlotte (2) George's Island
Sherbrooke Martello Tower 1814 Col. Gustavus Nicolls Magruder's Beach
on McNab's Island

Construction actually started in April 1815. The Sherbrooke Martello Tower was built of granite to be 32' 7" high, with a diameter 50' at the base and 48' 4" at the top. The walls were seven feet thick. The tower was originally designed to be two stories high but a third story was added in 1828 to house a lighthouse. The tower was designed to mount seven 24-pounder cannons, four on the lower level and three on the second floor but it was never armed and not used for military purposes..

The tower was completed 30 Jun 1828 and placed in use primarily as a lighthouse. The structure remained up until after World War II when it was replaced by the present lighthouse.

Current Status

Destroyed, site built over by the current McNab's Island lighthouse, archeological remains only.


Location: Magruder Beach on McNab Island, Halifax, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Maps & Images

Lat: 44.602293 Long: -63.533614

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