Category:Coastal Forts
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This category has the following 41 subcategories, out of 41 total.
- Harbor Defense of Amherstburg
- Harbor Defense of Argentia
- Harbor Defense of Boston
- Harbor Defense of Charlottetown
- Harbor Defense of Eastern New York
- Harbor Defense of Halifax
- Harbor Defense of Kingston
- Harbor Defense of Long Island Sound
- Harbor Defense of Montreal
- Harbor Defense of Narragansett Bay
- Harbor Defense of New Bedford
- Harbor Defense of Portland
- Harbor Defense of Portsmouth
- Harbor Defense of Prince Rupert
- Harbor Defense of Quebec
- Harbor Defense of Saint Andrews
- Harbor Defense of Saint John
- Harbor Defense of Shelburne
- Harbor Defense of Southern New York
- Harbor Defense of St. John's
- Harbor Defense of Sydney
- Harbor Defense of the Kennebec River
- Harbor Defense of Vancouver
- Harbor Defense of Victoria
- Taft Period Forts
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Aransas Pass
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Calcasieu Pass
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Calcasiieu Pass
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Freeport
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Mobile
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Mobile Bay
- Temporary Harbor Defense of New Orleans
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Panama City
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Pascagoula
- Temporary Harbor Defense of Sabine Pass
- Third System Forts
Pages in category "Coastal Forts"
The following 371 pages are in this category, out of 371 total.
- Fort Babcock (2)
- Fort Babcock (1)
- Bailey Island Military Reservation
- Fort Baker (1)
- Fort Baldwin (1)
- Fort Balise
- Fort Banks (2)
- Fort Barrancas (1)
- Fort Barry
- Fort Bartow (1)
- Bateria de San Antonio
- Fort Beauregard (2)
- Biddeford Pool Military Reservation
- Fort Bienvenue (2)
- Fort Black Rock (1)
- Fort Blanchard
- Bolsa Chica Military Reservation
- Boston Neck Military Reservation
- Fort Brown (2)
- Fort Brumback
- Fort Bulkley
- Fort Burnside
- Fort Canby
- Cape Elizabeth Military Reservation
- Cape Flattery Military Reservation
- Cape Henlopen Military Reservation
- Cape May Military Reservation
- Carleton Martello Tower
- Fort Carroll (1)
- Fort Casey (1)
- Castle Fort
- Fort Castle
- Castle Hill
- Castle Williams
- Fort Caswell
- CDSG Conference 29 Mar-2 Apr 2011
- Charles Fort
- Charlesfort
- Fort Charlotte Martello Tower
- Fort Christina
- Fort Church
- Civil Fort
- Fort Clark (7)
- Fort at Clark's Point
- Fort Clinch (1)
- Castle Clinton
- Fort Columbia
- Fort Columbus
- Fort Conanicut
- Fort Constitution (2)
- Fort Coote
- Cornwallis Fort
- Coronado Beach Military Reservation
- Fort Covington (3)
- Fort Crockett
- Fort Cronkhite
- Fort Dade (3)
- Fort Dauphin (3)
- Fort Dawes
- Fort De Russy (2)
- Fort De Soto
- Fort Dearborn (4)
- Fort Decatur (3)
- Fort Defiance (17)
- Fort Delaware
- Diamond Head Military Reservation
- Duke of Clarence Martello Tower
- Duke of York Martello Tower
- Fort Dumpling Rock
- Fort Dumplings
- Dumplings Tower
- Fort Duncan (2)
- Fort DuPont (1)
- Tower Dupre
- Fort Duvall
- Fort Gaines (1)
- Fort George (13)
- Fort George (14)
- Fort George (4)
- Fort Getty
- Fort Gillmore
- Fort Glenn
- Fort Gorges
- Grays Harbor Military Reservation
- Great Brewster Island Military Reservation
- Great Chebeague Island Military Reservation
- Fort Greble (2)
- Fort Greely (1)
- Fort Greene (1)
- Fort Greene (2)
- Fort Nathanael Greene
- Fort Grenadier
- Fort Griswold
- Fort Groton
- Fort H.G. Wright
- Fort Hale (2)
- Halifax Citadel
- Fort Hamilton (1)
- Fort Hamilton (3)
- Fort Hancock (2)
- Fort Hancock (3)
- Harbor Defense Command Posts
- Harbor Entrance Control Posts
- Fort Hase
- Battery Haskin-Overton
- Fort Hatteras
- Camp Hayden
- Fort Hayden
- Fort Heath
- Highlands Military Reservation
- Fort Hoarkill
- Horn's Hook Fort
- Horseman's Fort
- Fort Howard (1)
- Fort Howe (1)
- Fort Huger (3)
- Fort Hughes (2)
- Fort Hunt
- Fort La Tour
- Fort Lafayette (2)
- Fort Lamar (1)
- Fort Lawton
- Fort Learnard
- Fort Lee (5)
- Fort Levett
- Levis Fort No. 1
- Fort Liberty
- Little Fort
- Fort Livingston
- Fort Lomeron
- Long Island Military Reservation
- Long Point Military Reservation
- Fort Look-Out
- Fort Louis (1)
- Fort Louis (2)
- Fortress of Louisbourg
- Fort Luttrell
- Fort Lyon (1)
- Fort Lyttleton (2)
- Fort MacArthur
- Fort Macomb (1)
- Fort Macon
- Manhattan Beach Military Reservation
- Fort Mansfield (1)
- Fort Marion (2)
- Marshall Military Reservation
- Fort de la Martiniere
- Fort Mason (2)
- Fort Massachusetts (1)
- Fort McAllister (1)
- Fort McAndrew
- Fort McClary
- Fort McDowell (1)
- Fort McGilvray
- Fort McHenry
- Fort McKinley
- Fort McNab
- Fort McRee
- Fort Mears
- Fort Michie
- Middle Point Military Reservation
- Fort Mifflin
- Milagra Ridge Military Reservation
- Fort Miles
- Fort Miley
- Mill Rock Fort
- Mishaum Point Military Reservation
- Fort Mitchel
- Fort Monroe
- Fort Morgan (1)
- Fort Mott (1)
- Fort Moultrie
- Fort Mouton
- Mud Island Fort
- Fort Parke
- Fort Patapsco
- Peak's Island Military Reservation
- Fort Peirce
- Fort Pentagoet
- Fort Petite Coquilles (1)
- Fort Phoenix
- Fort Pickens
- Fort Pio Pico
- Piziquid Post
- Fort Point (3)
- Point Grey Fort
- Point San Jose Military Reservation
- Point Vicente Military Reservation
- Fort Popham
- Port Royal Fort
- Port-Royal Habitation
- Fort Preble
- Prince of Wales Martello Tower
- Fort Proctor
- Proctors Landing Tower
- Tower at Proctorsville
- Fort Pulaski
- Fort Sackville (2)
- Sagamore Hill Military Reservation
- Saint Andrews Blockhouse
- Fort Sainte Anne (2)
- Fort Sainte-Marie
- Sakonnet Point Military Reservation
- Salisbury Beach Military Reservation
- Fort San Antón de Carlos
- Fort San Carlos (1)
- Fort San Carlos de Austria
- San Carlos de Barrancas
- Fort San Felipe (2)
- Fort San Felipe del Morro
- Fort San Jacinto
- Fort San Marcos
- Fort San Marcos De Apalache
- Fort San Salvador
- Fort at Sandy Hook
- Sandy Hook Fort
- Fort Saulsbury
- Fort Saybrook
- Fort Scammel
- Fort Schuyler (1)
- Fort Schwatka
- Fort Screven
- Second System
- Fort Sewall
- Sherbrooke Martello Tower
- Fort Sherman (4)
- Signal Hill
- Simon Denys Fort
- Fort Slocum (2)
- Fort Smallwood
- Fort J.H. Smith
- Fort Smith (4)
- Fort St. George (3)
- Fort St. Louis (8)
- Fort St. Marks (2)
- Fort St. Philip
- Fort Stamford
- Fort Standish (1)
- Fort Stark
- Fort Ste. Marie de Grace
- Fort Steele (2)
- Fort Stevens (1)
- Fort Stevens (5)
- Fort Story
- Striped Peak Military Reservation
- Fort Strong (2)
- Fort Sumter
- Fort Wadsworth (1)
- Fort Wadsworth (4)
- Fort Ward (2)
- Fort Ward (4)
- Fort Warren (2)
- Fort Washington (1)
- Fort Washington (7)
- Water Battery
- Fort Weaver
- Fort Welles
- West Point Blockhouse
- Fort Wetherill
- Fort Whetstone
- White Point Military Reservation
- Fort Whitman
- Fort Whorekill
- Willapa Military Reservation
- Fort Willem Hendrick
- Fort William (9)
- Fort William and Mary
- Fort William Henry (1)
- Fort Williams (1)
- Fort Winfield Scott (2)
- Fort Winthrop (1)
- Fort Wolcott
- Fort Wood (2)
- Fort Wool (1)
- Fort Worden