American Camp

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American Camp (1859-1874) - First established as American Camp in 1859 by U.S. Army Captain George E. Pickett (Cullum 1330), and Company D, 9th U.S. Infantry, on San Juan Island, San Juan County, Washington. Renamed Camp Pickett, Post of San Juan (1863), Camp Steele (1867), and finally Camp San Juan Island (1868). Abandoned in 1874.

American Camp Surviving Officer Quarters
American Camp Laundress Quarters
American Camp circa 1859 Troops in Sibley Tents
American Camp circa 1868


American Camp Redoubt

The first American Camp was established on 27 Jul 1859 by Captain George E. Pickett and Company D, 9th U.S. Infantry, from Fort Bellingham. Captain Pickett and his troops were ordered to San Juan Island in response to an incident on the Island that came to be known as the Pig War. The Pig War occurred during an unresolved territorial dispute between Britain and the United States over who owned the San Juan Islands: the incident that triggered the U.S. military response began when a British pig was killed by an American farmer.

Captain George Pickett arrived on San Juan Island with 51 men from Company D, 9th U.S. Infantry and four officers. On the British side, the 31‑gun Royal Navy frigate Tribune was sent to the island as a guard ship from Esquimalt. The initial U. S. campsite proved unsuitable and it was moved twice in a matter of days to a more suitable site on high ground on the south end of the island. By August 1859 the force had expanded to 424 men including ten officers including Lt. Colonel Silas Casey (Cullum 467), who assumed command and escalated tensions. The U.S. units involved included elements of the 9th U.S. Infantry and the 3rd U.S. Artillery. In September, 2nd Lieutenant Henry M. Robert (Cullum 1763) (of Robert's Rules of Order fame) is shown as already engaged in constructing a redoubt above the camp.

Cooler heads prevailed at all levels with the intervention of General Winfield Scott. Lt. Colonel Silas Casey was replaced and the U.S. garrison was reduced to a mere 66 men with four officers. The English Camp on the north end of the island was similarly reduced and was limited to a single warship. The two garrisons fell into friendly relations, visiting each other's camps on important dates like the 4th of July and the Queen's birthday.

The American Camp was garrisoned by regular Union troops throughout the U.S. Civil War. At the beginning of the war Captain George E. Pickett was the camp commander and he remained so until 25 Jul 1861 when his resignation was accepted and he left to join the Confederacy. The post at that time was named Camp Pickett after Captain Pickett and that name was retained until May 1863 just before the Battle of Gettysburg.

The boundary dispute was not settled until Kaiser Wilhelm I of Germany negotiated an agreement in 1872 that gave the San Juan Islands to the United States. The British Royal Marines left English Camp that same year but the American Camp remained until abandoned on 1 Jul 1874.

American Camp Official Names

American Camp Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1859-07-27 1859-08-10 Captain Pickett, George E. 1330
1859-08-10 1859-10-19 Lt. Colonel Casey, Silas 467
1859-10-19 1859-11-16 Captain Haller, Granville O. N/A
1859-11-16 1860-05 Captain Hunt, Lewis C. 1363
1860-05 1861-07-25 Captain Pickett, George E. 1330
1861-07-25 1861-11-15 Captain English, Thomas C. 1442
1861-11-15 1862-02-17 1st Lt. Robinson, Augustus G. 1777
1862-02-17 1865-10-11 Captain Bissell, Lyman N/A
1865-10-11 1867-06-26 Captain Grey, Thomas N/A
1867-06-26 1868-07-22 Major Allen, Harvey A. 1073
1868-07-22 1868-09-30 Captain Grey, Thomas N/A
1868-09-30 1868-11-04 Captain Nickerson, Azor H. N/A
1868-11-04 1869-01-07 2nd Lt. Peterson, John P. N/A
1869-01-07 1872-01-15 Captain Haskell, Joseph T. N/A
1872-01-15 1872-09-25 1st Lt. Hubbard, E. B. N/A
1872-09-25 1874-07-01 Captain Haughey, James A. N/A
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.

Current Status

American Camp Today

American Camp Visitor Center

Part of the San Juan Island National Historic Park administered by the National Park Service. One officer's quarters, an original building moved back to the camp from town and one laundress quarters are the only remaining buildings. On a hill above the camp is the earthen outline of a protective redoubt built under the supervision of Superintending Engineer Lt. Henry M. Robert (Cullum 1763) (of Robert's Rules of Order).


Location: San Juan Island National Historic Park,
San Juan Island, San Juan County, Washington.

Maps & Images

Lat: 48.4643139 Long: -123.0202889

GPS Locations:

See Also:


  • Roberts, Robert B., Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States, Macmillan, New York, 1988, 10th printing, ISBN 0-02-926880-X, page 835
  • Hart, Herbert M., Tour Guide to Old Western Forts, Pruett Publishing Co., Boulder CO, 1980, ISBN 0-87108-568-2, page 186


Fortification ID:

  • WA0005 - American Camp
  • WA0255 - Camp Pickett
  • WA0280 - Camp San Juan Island
  • WA0298 - Camp Steele (2)
  • WA0216 - Military Post San Juan Island
  • WA0282 - U.S. Forces on San Juan Island

Visited: 7 May 2014