Willapa Military Reservation

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Willapa Military Reservation (1918-1932) - A World War I Coastal Military Reservation first established in 1918, Pacific County, Washington. Abandoned in 1932.

World War I (1917-1918)

Part of the Harbor Defense of Willapa Harbor.

Two temporary batteries were built with only concrete pads for two 6" pedestal mounted rifles and four 12" mortars on two separate plots of land. The 6" guns came from Fort Stevens, Battery Freeman and were mounted in 1919 but the mortars were not furnished. On 26 Oct 1921 the Coast Defenses of the Columbia were placed in caretaker status and a caretaker detachment of six men was to care for Fort Canby, Fort Columbia, Grays Harbor, and Willapa Bay. One caretaker was placed at both Willapa Military Reservation and Grays Harbor Military Reservation. The caretaker at Willapa Bay was relieved about 1930. The 6" guns were transferred on 28 Aug 1932 to Fort Worden for future use in Battery Tolles-B.

Willapa Military Reservation World War I Battery (edit list)
Click on Battery links below
No. Caliber Type Mount Service Years Notes
Battery Willapa-1 2 6" Pedestal 1918-1918-1919-1932
Battery Willapa-2 4 12" Mortar 1918-1918-1919-NA
Source: CDSG
Fort Willapa Military Reservation Plan 1921

Current Status

Near North Cove, Pacific County, Washington. The terrain has eroded significantly and it is difficult to pinpoint the exact site of the batteries. No period guns or carriages in place.


Location: Private Property, Pacific County, Washington.

Maps & Images

Lat: 46.723682 Long: -123.989553

GPS Locations:

See Also:



Fortification ID:

  • WA0327 - Willapa Military Reservation

Visited: No