Fort Greely (1)
Fort Greely (1) (1941-1944) - A World War II Coastal Fort first established in 1941 on Kodiak Island, Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska. Named Fort Greely in G.O. 17, 2 Apr 1943, after Major General Adolphus W. Greely. Abandoned in 1944. World War II (1941-1945)Part of the Harbor Defense of Kodiak.
The first elements of the Coast Artillery arrived at Kodiak on 3 Apr 1941 with 5 officers and 164 enlisted men, Battery C, 250th Coast Artillery (155mm Battery). Construction of Fort Greely began under civilian contract on 1 Feb 1941 to provide housing and facilities for a permanent garrison of 6,000 including Harbor Defense troops. The temporary capacity as of 30 Sep 1943 was 694 officers and 10,628 enlisted troops. Navy Seabee units arrived in October 1942 and replaced civilian contractors as they left. The post was substantially complete in September 1943 and the harbor defenses estimated at 70% complete with estimated completion as 1 Jan 1944. Cost for the complete harbor defense was estimated at $17,612,400. Three sub-posts were designated on 27 Apr 1943 including:
Fort Greely was placed in caretaker status on 15 Dec 1944 and formally decommissioned 1 Jul 1952. The property was transferred to the Navy on 13 Apr 1953. On 6 Aug 1955 the Fort Greely name was assigned to a U.S. Army post near Fairbanks, Fort Greely (2). Current StatusSome scattered remains, Kodiak, Alaska.
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