Category:Colonial Forts
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This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "Colonial Forts"
The following 448 pages are in this category, out of 448 total.
- Ackia Chickasaw Fort
- Alabama Fort
- Alabama Post
- The Fort at Albany
- Fort Albany (2)
- Fort des Alibamons
- Fort Toulouse des Alibamons
- Poste aux Alibamons
- Fort Allen (1)
- Fort Allen (4)
- Fort Amherst (2)
- Fort Amherstburg
- Amherstburg Navy Yard
- Fort Amsterdam
- Fort Anderson (3)
- Fort Andros
- Fort Andross
- Fort Anne (1)
- Fort Anne (2)
- Fort Anne (3)
- Fort Anne (4)
- Apeony Chickasaw Fort
- Arrowsic Fort (1)
- Arrowsic Fort (2)
- Arsenal of Fort Saint Helena Island
- Fort Ashby
- Fort Augusta (1)
- Fort Augusta (2)
- Fort Augusta (4)
- Bacon's Castle
- Fort Balise
- Fort Barrington
- Fort Baton Rouge
- Fort Beausejour
- Fort Bedford (1)
- Fort Beef
- Bickley's Fort
- Fort Bigham
- Blackmore's Fort
- Fort Blackmore
- Barrack at Blairfindie
- Fort Bourgogne
- Daniel Boone's Fort
- Fort Boone
- Fort Boonesborough
- Fort Bourbon (2)
- Fort Brewerton
- Bridgman's Fort
- Fort Bridgman
- Brown's Fort (2)
- Brunswick Gun-House
- Brunswick Powder-House
- Fort Burgundy
- Fort Burnet
- Busse's Fort
- Captain Christian Busse's Fort
- Fort Bute
- Butler's Barracks
- Fort Buttermilk
- Fort Buxton
- Byrd's Fort
- Fort Byrd
- Fort Canajoharie
- Fort Canastaginone
- Fort Canastagone
- Cap Diamant Redoubt
- Fort Carleton (2)
- Carter's Fort
- Fort Casimir
- Fort Castel
- Castle Hill
- Fort Caswell (2)
- Fort Charles (1)
- Charles Fort
- Charles Towne Fort
- Charlesfort
- Fort Charlotte (1)
- Fort Charlotte (2)
- Fort Charlotte Martello Tower
- Fort Chippawa
- Fort Chiswell
- Fort Chouaguen
- Fort Christian
- Fort Christina
- Civil Fort
- Fort Clarence
- Clarke and Lake's Fort
- Clergue Blockhouse
- Fort Clyde (1)
- Clyde Blockhouse
- Fort Collyer (2)
- Fort Conde
- New Fort Congaree
- Old Fort Congaree
- Fort Coote
- Corlaer's Fort
- Fort Cosby
- Cornwallis Fort
- Fort Coteau du Lac
- Cowan's Fort
- Fort Cox
- Cox's Fort
- Fort Crailo
- Fort Craven (2)
- Crissman's Fort
- Fort Crown Point
- Fort Cumberland (1)
- Fort Cumberland (2)
- Daniel Smith's Fort
- Fort Dauphin (3)
- Dauphine Redoubt
- Fort Dayton (2)
- Fort Des Sables
- Deshler's Fort
- Fort Deshler
- Fort at Dietrich Six's
- Fort Dinwiddie (1)
- Fort Dobbs (1)
- Fort Dorchester (1)
- Fort Douglas (2)
- Fort Drummond (1)
- Fort Drummond (2)
- Duke of Clarence Martello Tower
- Duke of York Martello Tower
- Fort Dummer (1)
- Fort Duncan (2)
- Dunning's Garrison
- Fort Durkee
- Gaillardin Redoubt
- Fort Galphin
- Brunswick Garrisons and Blockhouses
- Abbot's Garrison
- Frost's Garrison (1)
- Frost's Garrison (2)
- Frost's Garrison (3)
- Kittery Garrisons and Blockhouses
- Fort Garry
- Lower Fort Garry
- Upper Fort Garry
- Fort Gaspareaux
- Fort George (10)
- Fort George (12)
- Fort George (14)
- Fort George (17)
- Fort George (6)
- Fort George (7)
- Fort Gibraltar
- Giveen's Garrison
- Glade Hollow Fort
- Fort Gloucester
- Fort Good Hope (2)
- Grand Portage Post
- Grand Portage Stockade
- Fort Granville
- Fort Grenadier
- Gurnet Point Garrison
- Hager's Fort
- Fort Halifax (2)
- Ham's Garrison
- Fort Hartford
- Fort Heard
- Fort Hendrick
- Fort Henry (9)
- Herkimer Home
- Fort Hill (3)
- Fort Hill (6)
- Fort Hill (9)
- Hinkley's Garrison
- Hogg's Fort
- Fort Holland (2)
- Fort Hope (2)
- Fort Hopewell
- Horseman's Fort
- Fort House
- Fort Hunter (1)
- Fort Hunter (3)
- Fort at Hunter's Mill
- Fort Huys de Hoop
- Fort de l'Île Sainte-Hélène
- Lacolle Bridge Blockhouse
- Lacolle Mills Blockhouse
- Lacolle River Blockhouse
- Fort Larrabee
- Fort Lawrence (3)
- Fort Lebanon
- Fort Lee (1)
- Fort Lennox
- Levis Fort No. 1
- Levis Fort No. 2
- Levis Fort No. 3
- Fort Ligonier
- Fort Lomeron
- Fort Loudon
- Fort Loudoun (2)
- Fort Loudoun (4)
- Fort Louis (2)
- Fort Loyal
- Fort Lucas
- Fort Luttrell
- Fort Lydius
- Fort Lyman
- Fort Lyttleton (2)
- Fort Madawaska
- Maiden Springs Fort
- Fort Maidstone
- Fort Malden
- Fort Mary (2)
- Fort Mary at Hill's Beach
- Fort Massachusetts (3)
- Fort Massey
- Matianuck Fort
- Mattawa House
- Fort Maurepas (2)
- McFarland's Garrison
- Captain Thomas McKee's Fort
- Fort Menaskoux
- Fort Miamis
- Fort Michilimackinac (2)
- Fort Middleton
- Minot's Garrison
- Fort Mississauga
- Fort Monckton
- Montmorency Redoubt
- Montressor's Blockhouse
- Moore's Fort
- Fort Moore (4)
- Fort Moosa
- Fort Morris (2)
- Fort Morris (4)
- Fort Morrison
- Fort Mosa
- Fort Mount Pleasant
- Patterson's Fort
- Fort Pearsall
- Pejepscot Fort
- Fort Pelham
- Pemaquid Fort
- Fort at Pensacola
- Fort Pentagoet
- Fort Pentagon
- Fort Pepperrell (1)
- Fort Petit Sault
- Petit Sault Blockhouse
- Philipsburg Blockhouse
- Fort Pic
- Fort Pimitoui
- Fort Pitt (1)
- Piziquid Post
- Fort Pleasant
- Fort Pleasant (2)
- Plymouth Fort
- Plymouth Trading House
- Port Royal Fort
- Presidio Santa Maria de Galvez
- Fort Presque Isle (1)
- Fort Preston (2)
- Fort Prince George (3)
- Prince of Wales Martello Tower
- Prince of Wales Redoubt
- Fort Putney
- Fort Sackville (1)
- Fort Sackville (2)
- Saco Block House
- Saint Helen Island Fort
- Fort Saint Jean (2)
- Fort Saint Johns
- Fort Saint Joseph (2)
- Fort Saint Joseph (3)
- Fort Sainte Anne (1)
- Fort Sainte Anne (2)
- Fort San Antón de Carlos
- Fort San Juan
- Fort San Juan De Xualla
- Fort San Marcos De Apalache
- Fort Sartwell
- Sartwell's Fort
- Sault Ste. Marie Trading Post
- Fort Saybrook
- Fort Schenectady
- Fort Schoharie
- Fort Schuyler (5)
- Fort Sellers
- Fort Sewall
- Sherbrooke Martello Tower
- Fort Shirley (1)
- Fort Shirley (2)
- Fort Shirley (3)
- Shurt's Fort
- Signal Hill
- Simon Denys Fort
- Skolfield's Garrison
- Smith Fort
- Smith's Fort (2)
- Snoddy's Fort
- Fort Sombrero
- Spear Garrison
- Fort St. Charles (1)
- Fort St. Charles (3)
- St. Francis Barracks
- Fort St. George (2)
- Fort St. George (3)
- Fort St. Leon
- Fort St. Louis (1)
- Fort St. Louis (8)
- Fort St. Marks (2)
- Fort St. Mary
- Fort St. Simons
- Fort Stamford
- Stanley Barracks
- Fort Stanwix
- Fort Ste. Marie de Grace
- Fort Ste. Reine
- Fort Waggener
- Waggener's Lower Fort
- Warwick's Fort
- Fort Watauga
- Fort Watson
- Wells Garrison and Block-Houses
- West Fort
- West Point Blockhouse
- Fort Western
- Fort Willem Hendrick
- Fort William (10)
- Fort William (8)
- Fort William (9)
- Fort William and Mary
- Fort William Henry (1)
- Fort William Henry (2)
- Fort William Henry (3)
- Fort Williams (5)
- Fort at Wills Creek
- Post at Wills Creek
- Fort Wiltwyck
- Windsor Blockhouse
- Fort Winslow (2)
- Fort Witten
- Woodman's Fort
- Fort Wooster
- Fort Wyoming