Fort Granville
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History of Fort GranvilleEstablished in 1755 by Captain George Croghan on the north bank of the Juniata River near present-day Lewistown, Pennsylvania. Built as a 50-foot square stockade enclosing a barracks capable of lodging 50 men with blockhouses on two of the stockade corners. Attacked and destroyed on 3 Aug 1756 by a raiding party of 23 colonial regulars and 32 Indians under French Captain Francis Coulon de Villiers. His brother, Louis Coulon de Villiers had defeated George Washington at Fort Necessity (1) in 1754. The colonial commander, Lieutenant Edward Armstrong was killed and his sergeant, John Turner, surrendered the fort after it was set afire. Turner was tortured and killed. The remaining captives were taken to Fort de Chartres where they were ransomed by French officers and eventually returned to the American colonies. Current StatusExact location unknown. Roadside marker and plaque located in front of the Pennsylvania DOT Building at 1227 W 4th St, Lewistown, Pennsylvania.
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