Cap Diamant Redoubt

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Cap Diamant Redoubt (1693-1760) - A French colonial fortification established in 1693 by Governor Frontenac King William's War on the highest point in old Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Taken by the British in 1759 when they captured Quebec City. Incorporated by the British into the present day Quebec Citadel. Named for Cap Diamant (Cape Diamond). Part of the active military post at the Citadel of Quebec.
Cap Diamant Redoubt Front
Cap Diamant Redoubt in the Kings Bastion by the Flag Pole
Cap Diamant Redoubt


Part of the Harbor Defense of Quebec.

Established in 1693 by New France Governor Frontenac after the unsuccessful 1690 British siege of Quebec City by British Admiral William Phips. The architect was French engineer Boisberthelot de Beaucours.

The redoubt was a strong stone building mounting as many as eight cannons on the parapet. Inside was a guard room, powder magazine, prison cell and a cistern.

Under British rule the redoubt was incorporated into the Kings Bastion of the Quebec Citadel and used for a variety of purposes.

Current Status

Part of the active military installation that is the Quebec Citadel, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. One of two French era buildings remaining on the Citadel. The interior contains period interpretations of the rooms and the redoubt is a part of the historic citadel tour.


Location: Quebec Citadel, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Maps & Images

Lat: 46.808666 Long: -71.205166

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Visited: 17, 27 Jul 2013