Camp Shipp
Camp Shipp (1898-1899) - A Spanish American War reserve Camp first established as Camp Anniston after the war was over late in 1898 at Anniston, Calhoun County, Alabama. Named Camp Shipp after Lieutenant William E. Shipp (Cullum 2982), 10th U.S. Cavalry, who was killed in action on 1 Jul 1898 at San Juan Hill, Santiago de Cuba during the Spanish American War. Abandoned in 1899. History of Camp ShippEstablished 3 Sep 1898 after the Spanish American War was over but before the peace treaty had been signed. Used as a winter reserve camp until the peace treaty was finalized. Housed six regiments of state volunteer troops (some very briefly). The hospital at camp was transferred from Camp George H. Thomas to improve sanitary conditions. The winter was unusually cold with temperatures reportedly reaching -14 degrees in February. Abandoned in March 1899. Current StatusNo remains in Anniston, Calhoun County, Alabama.
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