Fort Armistead (2)
Fort Armistead (2) (1832-1835) - A U.S. Army Fort first established in 1832 by Captain Francis S. Belton, 2nd U.S. Artillery and detachment of the 2nd U.S. Artillery in present day Monroe County, Tennessee. Named Fort Armistead after Colonel Walker K. Armistead (Cullum 3), 3rd U.S. Artillery. Became one of the Trail of Tears Forts. Abandoned in 1835. Known as Camp Armistead on the post returns. History of Fort Armistead (2)Established 30 Jun 1832 by Captain Francis S. Belton, 2nd U.S. Artillery and elements of company A & B, 2nd U.S. Artillery in what was then the Cherokee Nation, Tennessee. Abandoned 3 Mar 1835. Current StatusArcheological remains in Monroe County, Tennessee.
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