Forts Folle Avoine
HistoryEstablished as a North West Company (NWC) fur trading post in 1802. The North West Company was formed by Montreal based merchants and fur traders seeking to break the Hudson's Bay Company monopoly over the fur trade. The company established Grand Portage Post on Lake Superior, later Fort William, as a depot where furs gathered during the winter were exchanged for supplies and trade goods from Montreal. Each summer would see the arrival of goods & people from Montreal via canoe brigades and furs from interior trading posts. The popular annual gathering of traders and suppliers was known as the Rendezvous. The North West Company post was known as "Forts Folle Avoine" and had three buildings surrounded by a stockade. The XY Company built a competing trading post 95 feet south of the NWC Fort but it had just a single large building. The two trading posts only operated during the winters seasons of 1802-1803, 1803-1804, and 1804-1805. The traders left in the summer of 1805 and did not return, leaving the two posts abandoned. Current StatusNow part of Forts Folle Avoine Historical Park. Recreated trading posts along with a museum and other facilities.
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