Mission San Buenaventura de Potano
Mission San Buenaventura de Potano (1608-c1616) - A small Spanish mission established in 1608 by Father Francisco Pareja near Orange Lake in present day Marion County, Florida. Abandoned circa 1613. HistoryFather Martin Prieto established Mission San Francisco de Potano in 1606 along with Mission Santa Ana de Potano and Mission San Miguel de Potano. Around 1608 Father Francisco Pareja established Mission San Buenaventura de Potano to complete the four missions of Potano. Initially the four missions had an Indian population of about 1200 but a series of epidemics significantly reduced their numbers and caused Mission San Miguel de Potano and Mission San Buenaventura de Potano to close and the survivors to relocate to Mission San Francisco de Potano and Mission Santa Ana de Potano. During Queen Anne's War (1702-1713) the British in the Carolina colony and their Indian allies systematically waged a war of attrition on the Spanish missions in Florida, attacking and destroying where they could. Nearby Mission Santa Fe de Toloca was destroyed in 1702 and the survivors moved into Mission San Francisco de Potano. By 1706 the Mission San Francisco de Potano was forced to close and the inhabitants relocated east of the St. Johns River. Current StatusPrivate property, White Ranch, Marion County, Florida. Discovery and identification of this site is fairly recent. The site also appears to be at the same location of an earlier De Soto expedition camp circa 1539.
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