Camp Witherell
Camp Witherell (1861-1861) - A Union U.S. Civil War camp first established in 1861 on the beach at the mouth of the Rio Grande River in Cameron County, Texas. Used as a mobilization camp for Union soldiers evacuating Texas at the beginning of the war. Abandoned later in 1861. Also known as Camp Witherall and Camp Wetherell. History of Camp WitherellEstablished in the spring of 1861 as a mobilization camp for Union soldiers evacuating Texas at the beginning of the U.S. Civil War. With the surrender of Union forces in Texas and the abandonment of Federal posts, some Union troops were evacuated through Camp Witherell to New York. The Camp was located on the beach at the mouth of the Rio Grande River in Cameron County, Texas. Abandoned in 1861. Current StatusNo remains.
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