Fort Ogden (1)
Fort Ogden (1) (1841-1842) - A U.S. Army post established in 1841 as Camp Ogden during the Second Seminole War by Captain T.P. Gwynne and four companies of the 8th U.S. Infantry in present day DeSoto County, Florida. Later named Fort Ogden after Captain Edmund A. Ogden, 8th U.S. Infantry who later died of Cholera at Fort Riley, Kansas, 3 Aug 1855. Abandoned in 1842. HistoryA U.S. Army post established 11 Aug 1841 during the Second Seminole War by Captain T.P. Gwynne and a detachment of the 8th U.S. Infantry. The fort was the site of a meeting between Seminole chiefs and Colonel William J. Worth, commander of the Tampa District, in May 1842. The Seminole chiefs would not agree to removal and they were kidnaped and taken to Fort Brooke to be forcibly removed. The post was abandoned later in 1842 at the end of the war. Current StatusMarker in front of Post Office. Private property near the town of Fort Ogden, DeSoto County, Florida
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