Fort Norman

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Fort Norman (1810-1960s) - A Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) fur trading post and fort first established in 1810 along the Mackenzie River near the mouth of the Great Bear River in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Moved south in 1844 to Old Fort Point on the Mackenzie River. Relocated back to the original location in 1851. Abandoned in 1960s. Also the site of Fort Norman RCMP Post.

Fort Norman HBC Post 1921
Fort Norman HBC Post 1928

History of Fort Norman

A Hudson's Bay Company fur trading post and fort first established in 1810 at present day Tulita, Northwest Territories. Located along the Mackenzie River near the mouth of the Great Bear River in the Northwest Territories.

The post moved some 30 miles south in 1844 to Old Fort Point near the site of the old North West Company (NWC) Fort Castor.

The post was relocated back to the original location in 1851 at present day Tulita.

Abandoned in 1960s.

Fort Norman RCMP Post

Fort Norman RMCP Post 1925

The RCMP also later established a post here sometime before 1925.

Current Status



Location: Tulita, Northwest Territories, Canada. Map points are approximate based on available data but may not be exact.

Maps & Images

Lat: 64.90075 Long: -125.57729

See Also:


  • HBC Archives - Fort Norman, post B.152, records (1822-1911)
  • Voorhis, Ernest, comp., Historic Forts and Trading Posts of the French regime and of the English Fur Trading Companies, Dept.of the Interior, Ottawa, Pdf, page 121.
  • Usher, Peter J., Fur Trade Posts of the Northwest Territories, Northern Science Research Group, Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Ottawa, 1971, Pdf, page 68.


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