Fort Granby
Fort Granby (1780-1781) - A British Revolutionary War fort first established in 1780 at the house of James Cayce in present day Cayce, Lexington County, South Carolina. Named Fort Granby after the then village of Granby. Captured by Patriot forces in 1781 and then abandoned as a fortification. History of Fort GranbyThe two story 1770 home of James Cayce was appropriated by the British during the Revolutionary War and fortified as Fort Granby. The British added a square earthworks redoubt around the house that included bastions, strong parapets and a surrounding ditch with an abatis. The British garrisoned the fort with some 350 men (mostly loyalists) commanded by Major Andrew Maxwell. Patriot forces under Lieutenant Colonel Henry Lee III (Light-Horse Harry) captured the fort on 15 May 1781. Current StatusWithin the Cayce Historical Museum complex is a replica of the original Grandby trading post building. This complex is not on the original site. Archeological remains only on the site.
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