Fort Holland (1)
Fort Holland (1) (1914-1922) - A World War I era fort first established in 1914 as Camp Holland near Valentine, Presidio County, Texas. Initially established to counter elements of the Mexican Revolution who were raiding across the border. Renamed Fort Holland in 1918. Named for the J. R. Holland Ranch on which it was built. Abandoned in 1922. History of Fort HollandFirst established as Camp Holland in 1914 as a support post to counter elements of the Mexican Revolution who were raiding across the border. The post provided pack trains that supplied Colonel George T. Langhorne's 8th U.S. Cavalry as it patrolled the Mexican border. Camp Holland had two large barracks that housed up to 400 men, four sets of officers' quarters, a mess hall, and a guardhouse. Support buildings included a bakery, a corral, a blacksmith shop, a quartermaster store, a sewer system and shower house. The camp's buildings were built of stone and wood and were said to cost over $16,000. Renamed Fort Holland in 1918. Abandoned in 1922. Current StatusOn private property, some stone building ruins remain.
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