Fort Kenay
Fort Kenay (1869-1870) - A U.S. Army Fort established in 1869 at the mouth of the Kenai River in present day Kenai, Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska. Established by General Order 7, 24 Mar 1869 on the former site of the Russian Fort St. Nicholas after the U.S. purchase of Alaska in 1867. Abandoned in 1870. Also known as Fort Kenai. History of Fort KenayEstablished on 17 Apr 1869 on the site of the old Russian Fort St. Nicholas and garrisoned by Batteries F and G of the 2nd U.S. Artillery, commanded by Bvt Captain John McGilvray. Built as one-mile-square post that included officers quarters, barracks, guardhouse, storehouses, and other support buildings. Fort Kenay was abandoned on 13 Aug 1870. Current StatusReplica blockhouse built in 1967 near the original site.
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