Fort Riley (3)

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Fort Riley (3) (1860-1860) - A settler Fort established in 1860 during the Pyramid Lake Paiute War in Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada. Abandoned in 1860.


A militia force of 105 Virginia City settlers under the command of Major William Ormsby was ambushed on 12 May 1860 by a superior Paiute Indian force and 77 militia members, including Major Ormsby, were killed.

Word of the massacre caused the citizens of Virginia City to convert a partially completed stone building into a fort for the protection of women and children. The fort was named Fort Riley and it later became the Virginia Hotel.

A cease-fire was declared in August 1860 and the fort was no longer required.

Current Status

No remains in Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada


Location: Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada.

Maps & Images

Lat: 39.3108333 Long: -119.6494444

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: 1,885'

GPS Locations:



Fortification ID:

  • NV0083 - Fort Riley (3)

Visited: No