Fort Riley (3)
Fort Riley (3) (1860-1860) - A settler Fort established in 1860 during the Pyramid Lake Paiute War in Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada. Abandoned in 1860. HistoryA militia force of 105 Virginia City settlers under the command of Major William Ormsby was ambushed on 12 May 1860 by a superior Paiute Indian force and 77 militia members, including Major Ormsby, were killed. Word of the massacre caused the citizens of Virginia City to convert a partially completed stone building into a fort for the protection of women and children. The fort was named Fort Riley and it later became the Virginia Hotel. A cease-fire was declared in August 1860 and the fort was no longer required. Current StatusNo remains in Virginia City, Storey County, Nevada
Fortification ID:
Visited: No