Fort Heileman
Fort Heileman (1836-1841) - A U.S. Army post established in 1836 during the Second Seminole War as Fort Garey's Ferry in present day Middleburg, Clay County, Florida. Renamed 4 Jul 1836 after Bvt Lieutenant Colonel Julius F. Heileman (Cullum 12), who had been killed in action at Fort Drane the week before, on June 27. Abandoned in 1841. Also known as Fort Heilman. HistoryA U.S. Army post established on 5 May 1836 during the Second Seminole War at the confluence of the north and south forks of Black Creek at Middleburg in Clay County, Florida. The post was originally a Quartermaster depot and workshop but became an ordnance depot in 1837 and became known as Black Creek Arsenal. The post was abandoned on 18 Jun 1841 as the war drew to a close. Current StatusMarker only in Middleburg, Clay County, Florida. Map point is the marker location.
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