Battery 212 (1943-1948) - Battery 212 was a reinforced concrete, World War II 6 inch coastal gun battery on Fort Church, Newport County, Rhode Island. Battery construction started on 10 Nov 1941, was completed on 15 Oct 1942 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 24 Jul 1943 at a cost of $ 202,905.00. Deactivated in 1948.
Originally built as a World War II concrete coastal gun battery with two 6" M1903 rapid fire guns mounted on M1 Shielded Barbette Carriages (SBC) placed on either side of an earth covered reinforced concrete support structure.
These 6" World War II coastal gun batteries were designed to replace obsolete Endicott Period Batteries. Of the 87 planned only 45 were completed and many of those were not completed until late in the war (1944-1945).
The 6" guns fired a 105 pound armor-piercing projectile with a range of over 15 miles at a rate of up to 5 rounds per minute. The gun crews were protected by a thick shield around the gun. Only six of these guns remain in the world, two at Fort Columbia in Battery 246, two at Fort Pickens in Battery 234, and two at Fort McAndrew in Battery 282 in Argentia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
Source: RCW Form 1, Aug 1944, CDSG, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 104-105, 204 Note 1: CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA
Battery 212 Plan
Current Status
No period guns or mounts in place. "The main house on the estate was built on top of Battery 212. One gun mount supports a pool and the other a shed. The enclosed portion of the battery is being used by the owner as a basement." from FUD site # D01RI033100.