Battery George Ricker

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Battery George Ricker (1942-1948) - Battery George Ricker was a reinforced concrete, World War II 8-inch coastal gun battery on Brodie Camp Military Reservation, Honolulu County, Hawaii. This battery was constructed using two U.S. Navy twin-gun turrets removed from the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga. Originally known as Battery Brodie and renamed in G.O. 96, 27 Aug 1946, after Lt. Colonel George W. Ricker, CAC, who was killed in an airplane crash in December 1941. Battery construction started on 10 Mar 1942 and was completed in about three months. Placed in caretaker status early in 1945 and armament removed in 1948. Also known as Battery Ricker.

Projectile Magazine at Battery Ricker
Powder Magazine at Battery Ricker
Overgrown Turret Depression at Battery Ricker

World War II (1941-1945)

Part of the Harbor Defense of Kaneohe Bay.

Originally built as a World War II concrete coastal gun battery with four 8" Mark IX M2 Navy guns mounted in two turrets removed from the aircraft carrier USS Saratoga. The battery mounted two turrets each with two guns. Both guns in a turret traversed and elevated together.

Generator Pads in Underground Generator Room at Battery Ricker Site

Construction of the emplacements took place on a priority basis and by 19 May 1942 the turrets were installed and proof fired. Each turret was emplaced at the intersection of two underground corridors that formed a "V". The corridors led to the magazines. Power was furnished by an underground central generator building. A battery commander's station was located between the turrets and built onto the BCS was an additional room to house the SCR-296A radar set. The radar antenna was placed on a 25' tower and disguised as a water tower.

The battery site also contained barracks and support buildings for the troops all under deceptive camouflage cover.

The battery was manned until early 1945 when it was placed in caretaker status. The guns and carriages were processed for salvage in 1948.

Battery George Ricker Armament (edit list)
Model Serial
Manufacturer Carriage Service
1 8" Rifle 449" Mark IX M2 495 ? Turret, ?, #?, Naval Gun Factory 1942-1948 See note 1
2 8" Rifle 449" Mark IX M2 537 ? Turret, ?, #?, Naval Gun Factory 1942-1948 See note 1
1 8" Rifle 449" Mark IX M2 508 ? Turret, ?, #?, Naval Gun Factory 1942-1948 See note 1
2 8" Rifle 449" Mark IX M2 509 ? Turret, ?, #?, Naval Gun Factory 1942-1948 See note 1
Source: CDSG, Berhow, Mark A. ed, American Seacoast Defenses: A Reference Guide, 2nd Edition, CDSG Press, McLean, VA, 2004, ISBN 0-9748167-0-1, pages 118-119
Note 1: CDSG Gun Card Collection from NARA The actual assignment of specific serial numbered guns to turrets and positions is unknown and the assignments here are arbitrary
Battery Ricker Plan after NARA and FUDS Drawings

Current Status

Some remains, no period guns or mounts in place.


Location: Brodie Camp Military Reservation, Honolulu County, Hawaii

Maps & Images

Lat: 21.549039 Long: -158.0697

  • Multi Maps from ACME
  • Maps from Bing
  • Maps from Google
  • Elevation: Turret #1 = 774', Turret #2 = 775'


  • Grobmeier, Alvin H., Officers of the U.S. Army and Others in Honor of whom Coast Artillery Forts and Batteries in Hawaii Have Been Named, CDSG News, Vol. 6, No. 4 (Nov. 1992), pp. 66-67
  • Lewis, E.R. and Kichner, D.P., The Oahu Turrets, Warship International, 1992, Issue 3, pp. 273-301, (CDSG Collection)
  • Final Inventory Project Report for the Battery George W. Ricker, Defenses Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used Defense sites - Site No. H09HI004700, USACE, RMTC Corp., September 1994, (CDSG Collection)


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