Fort Manhassett
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Fort Manhassett (1863-1865) - A Confederate earthworks fort established in 1863 by Major Julius Kellersberg, CSA, west of Sabine Pass, Jefferson County, Texas. Abandoned in 1865. HistoryA series of earthworks built in October 1863 to protect a possible landing site for invading Union Troops. The fort was built out as a series of three redoubts and two redans. Armament in 1863 consisted of 2-32 pounder howitzers in redoubt A. Redoubts A and B each had three gun platforms, redoubt C was unfinished in 1863. The post was garrisoned by up to 500 men. Current StatusMarker and signs of earthworks remain. Private property seven miles west of Sabine Pass, Jefferson County, Texas
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