Fort Johnson (6)
Fort Johnson (6) (1814-1814) - A temporary War of 1812 fort established in 1814 by Bvt Major Zachary Taylor along the Mississippi River near present day Warsaw, Hancock County, Illinois. Named Fort Johnson after Colonel Richard M. Johnson. Abandoned in 1814. History of Fort JohnsonEstablished in September 1814 during the War of 1812 by Bvt Major Zachary Taylor on a site along the Mississippi River opposite the mouth of the Des Moines River. Built as a stockaded fort about 100' square with two blockhouses at two corners with a 12' high stockade. The fort was abandoned and burned down by the departing troops in late October 1814. Current StatusArcheological remains in Warsaw, Hancock County, Illinois. The site was located in 2006 during a University of Illinois archeological dig at site 11HA957 but the site location has not been released to the public.
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