Fort Madison (2)
Fort Madison (2) (1808-1873) - A Second System U.S. Army coastal fort established in 1808 on Carr Point in present day Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Abandoned in 1873. HistoryFort Madison was described by U.S. Secretary of War William Eustis 19 Dec 1809 as: “... an enclosed work of masonry, comprehending a semi-elliptical face, with circular flanks, calculated for thirteen guns: with a brick magazine, and barracks for one company.” The Land was transferred to the U.S. Navy in 1845 but the Fort was rebuilt in the 1850s. With the improvements, it was intended to be armed with sixteen 24-pounder guns, two 18-pounder guns, two 12-pounder guns, three field pieces, five 8" heavy seacoast howizters, one 13" mortar, one 10" heavy mortar and one light 8" mortar for a total of 31 guns. Captain Montgomery C. Meigs, U.S. Corps of Engineers, supervised the improvements between 1854-1860. The Fort was abandoned after the U.S. Civil War in 1873 and was removed in 1909. Current StatusFort destroyed, site located on the grounds of the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Links: Visited: No Fort Madison (2) Picture Gallery