Camp Izard
Camp Izard (1836-1842) - A U.S. Army fortification established in 1836 during the Second Seminole War by General Edmund P. Gaines near present-day Stokes Ferry, Marion County, Florida. Named for 1st Lt James F. Izard (Cullum 524), 1st U.S. Dragoons, who was the first man killed at the site of the camp named for him. Abandoned at the end of the war in 1842. HistoryAn emergency fortification that was established in response to a Seminole Indian attack on a military force led by General Edmund P. Gaines in 1836. This post was established on 27 Feb 1836 when General Gains and his force attempting to cross the Withlacoochee River came under attack by some 1500 Seminole Indians under chiefs Osceola and Alligator. 1st Lt Izard was the first casualty, receiving a lead bullet in the head: he died five days later. The Seminoles surrounded soldiers and forced them into a 250-yard quadrangle which the soldiers fortified with log breastworks and earthen bastions. General Gaines sent a request to General Clinch for reinforcements after the first day but the siege lasted two weeks without any reply. Regular Army rations ran out and the command was reduced to eating their horses and dogs. The Seminoles tired of the conflict and requested a parley. General Gaines sent representatives to the parley who were told by the Seminoles that they just wanted to be left alone and would let the troops leave if Gaines would promise to abandon his pursuit of them. While the talks were underway 500 American reinforcements arrived and opened fire on the Seminoles who then abandoned the siege and left. The post was used intermittently until it was abandoned at the end of the war in 1842. Current StatusArcheological remains near Dunnellon, Marion County, Florida.
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