Fort Gunnison
Fort Gunnison (1861-18??) - A Mormon settler fort established in 1861 and used during the Ute Black Hawk War (1865-1872) in Gunnison, Sanpete County, Utah. Named for Captain John W. Gunnison, (Cullum 892), a U.S. Army officer who was killed by hostile Indians 26 Oct 1853. Probably Abandoned as a fortification after the war. History of Fort GunnisonEstablished as an adobe fort in 1861 by Jacob Hutchinson at the request of Brigham Young. A stone bastion was erected in 1865 and was used by General Pace and 1500 Utah militiamen to protect Gunnison and the surrounding settlements from hostile Indians during the Ute Black Hawk War (1865-1872). The Fort was built as a protective wall surrounding a four block area in the center of town running west and south from the Gunnison Ward chapel and Washington School block. Probably abandoned as a fortification after the peace was declared and implemented in 1872. Current StatusMarker only at 2 South Main Street, Gunnison, Sanpete County, Utah.
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