Battery Cooke
Battery Cooke (1901-1920) - Battery Cooke was a reinforced concrete, Endicott Period 3 inch coastal gun battery on Fort Wetherill, Newport County, Rhode Island. The battery was named in G.O. 78, 25 May 1903, after 1st Lieutenant William W. Cooke, 7th U.S. Cavalry, who was killed 23 June 1876, in action with Sioux Indians at Little Big Horn River, Montana. Battery construction started in April 1899, was completed in September 1899 and transferred to the Coast Artillery for use 15 Feb 1901 at a cost of $ 11,454.90. Deactivated in 1920.
Endicott Period (1890-1910)Part of the Harbor Defense of Narragansett Bay. Originally built as an Endicott Period concrete coastal gun battery with two 3" M1898MI rapid firing guns mounted on M1898MI Masking parapet mounts. This was a two story battery with the guns on the upper level and two magazines on the lower level. No shell or powder hoists were provided. Electrical power was furnished by the emplacement power plant at Battery Varnum. The original masking parapet mount in this battery allowed the gun to lower behind the parapet when not firing. The MI modification filled in the lowering column and fixed the gun in the raised position making it a fixed pedestal mount.
World War I (1917-1918)The U.S. entry into World War I resulted in a widespread removal of large caliber coastal defense gun tubes for service in Europe. Many of the gun and mortar tubes removed were sent to arsenals for modification and mounting on mobile carriages, both wheeled and railroad. Most of the removed gun tubes never made it to Europe and were either remounted or remained at the arsenals until needed elsewhere. The guns at Battery Cooke were not affected by the World War I redistribution but they were caught up in the following 1920 disarmament program. On 27 Mar 1920 the A.G.O. approved the removal of both 3" guns at Battery Cooke and the scrapping of the carriages. The guns were transferred to Watervliet on 10 Jul 1920 and the carriages were ordered salvaged 26 May 1920. Current StatusPart of Fort Wetherill State Park, Jamestown, Conanicut Island, Newport County, Rhode Island. No period guns or mounts in place.
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