Fort Nassau (3)
History of Fort NassauEstablished in 1614 by Hendrick Christiaensen as a small fortification, trading post and warehouse. The post was initially located on present day Castle Island and named Fort Nassau in honor of the House of Orange-Nassau. The fort was said to be built on the remains of an earlier 1540 French fort that was in ruins. The French fort purportedly had a 58 foot square enclosure surrounded by a 18 foot wide moat. The Dutch built the new fort, mounted a dozen swivel cannons and established a garrison of a dozen men with Jacob Eelkens in command. The French fort story is suspect simply because of the early date. The fort site was plagued with spring flooding problems and in 1617 Eelkens rebuilt the fort on more secure ground at the mouth of the Normans Kill at the Hudson River. The new fort was built on a prominence overlooking the river and about two miles below the terminus of the great Indian trading path. Once the new fort was completed, the Dutch completed their first treaty with natives of North America. Abandoned in 1618 after a spring flood destroyed the new fort. Current StatusNo remains.
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