Fort Apple River
Fort Apple River (1832-1832) - A Black Hawk War settler fort established in 1832 in present day Elizabeth, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Abandoned in 1832 at the end of the war. History of Fort Apple RiverEstablished in 1832 during the Black Hawk War as a settler defense. The fort was a stockade with a two story blockhouse. The fort was attacked on 24 Jun 1832 by Black Hawk and about 150 warriors. At the time of the attack the fort was occupied by 22 men, 23 women and some children. The defenders managed to drive off the attackers with an active defense but with the loss of some horses and cattle. Settler Elizabeth Armstrong rallied the defenders during the battle and became a heroine to the community which was later named for her. The fort was abandoned later in 1832 after the end of the war. Current StatusReproduction fort in Elizabeth, Jo Daviess County, Illinois. Located on the original site. Visitor center.
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