Pikesville Arsenal

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Pikesville Arsenal (1819-1879) - A U.S. Army arsenal established in 1819 in Pikesville, Baltimore County, Maryland. Abandoned as an arsenal in 1879.

Pikesville Arsenal Main Gate and Armory
Pikesville Arsenal Magazine Interior
Pikesville Arsenal Quartermaster Building


Commandants Quarters

The Pikesville arsenal was built in the outskirts of Baltimore along the Reisteratown road on a 15 acre track purchased in 1816. The arsenal was far enough away from the harbor to be safe from enemy fire and close enough to support the coastal forts. The arsenal building was completed and open for business in 1820.

During the first weeks of the U.S. Civil War the arsenal was briefly seized by local confederates known as the "Garrison Forest Rangers" until Union troops arrived to put down the seizure. At the outset of the war the commandant of the arsenal, Colonel Benjamin Huger, who was a South Carolina native, resigned his commission on 22 Apr 1861 and joined the Confederates.

The arsenal remained active until 1879 when it was offered to the State of Maryland who accepted it in 1880. The arsenal then became a home for needy Confederate veterans. By the 1930s the number of veterans was significantly reduced and the home and the property became a general purpose facility utilized by a number of groups. The buildings were later renovated by the state and are currently in use by the State Police.

Pikesville Arsenal Partial Commanders List (edit list)
Assumed Relieved Rank Name Cullum Notes
1826 1826 1st Lieutenant Tyler, Daniel 216
1849 1853 Captain Walbach, Louis A.B. 765
1853 1854 1st Lieutenant Benét, Stephen V. 1409
1860 1861 Colonel (Bvt) Huger, Benjamin 399 Resigned to join Confederacy
1861 1861 Captain Nicholas, Wilson C. N/A Brief Confederate takeover
Dates are formatted in yyyy-mm-dd to sort correctly.
The Cullum Number is the graduation order from the United States Military Academy by year and class rank and links to a page for the officer on the website version of the Cullum Register. Listings without a Cullum Number indicate that the person was not a graduate of the United States Military Academy.

Current Status

Pikesville, Baltimore County, Maryland


Location: Pikesville, Baltimore County, Maryland.

Maps & Images

Lat: 39.3752211 Long: -76.7224538

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Visited: No

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