DeLancey Floyd-Jones
DeLancey Floyd-Jones (1826-1902) - Born 20 Jan 1826, South Oyster Bay, New York. A career U.S. Army infantry officer and United States Military Academy graduate (Cullum 1316) who served in the Mexican War, the U.S. Civil War and who rose to the rank of regular Colonel and was breveted,F Brigadier General. Died 19 Jan 1902, New York City. ![]()
Mexican WarWith the outbreak of the Mexican War he was promoted to 2nd Lt and assigned to the 4th U.S. Infantry. He was at the Siege of Vera Cruz, March 9-21, 1847; Battle of Cerro Gordo, April 17, 1847; the Battle at Molina del Rey, 8 Sep 1847; and the Assault and Capture of Mexico City. For gallant and meritorious conduct in the Battle of Molina del Rey, he was breveted to 1st Lt on 8 Sep 1847. He was promoted to 1st Lt on 1 Jan 1848 and assigned in garrison at East Pascagoula, MS in 1848 and Detroit, Michigan from 1848-1850, being aide-de-camp to Bvt. Brigadier-General Brady, 12 Feb to 25 Aug 1849. Pacific NorthwestFrom 1850-1852 he was on recruiting duty following which he was assigned frontier duty at Benicia Barracks, CA, Fort Vancouver, WA, and Fort Steilacoom, WA through 1855. He was promoted to Captain, 4th U.S. Infantry, 31 July 1854. He continued on frontier duty in California and Oregon serving at Fort Dalles, OR, 1855; Fort Humboldt, CA, 1855; Crescent City, CA, 1855-1856; Rogue River Expedition 1856, being engaged in the action of Machanoslany Villages, etc., May 1856; Fort Orford, OR, 1856; Fort Yamhill, OR, 1856; Fort Hoskins, OR from 19 Jun 1857 to 19 Jan 1858; and escorting recruits to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 1858; Fort Hoskins, OR from 5 Oct 1858 to 14 Jun 1861; on recruiting service 1856-1860. He was promoted to Major, 11th U.S. Infantry, 14 May 1861. U.S. Civil WarHe commanded the 11th Infantry (Army of the Potomac) in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, March to August 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Battle of Mechanicsville, Battle of Gaines's Mill, and Battle of Malvern Hill. He was breveted to Lieutenant Colonel on 4 Jul 1862 for gallant and meritorious service during the Peninsular Campaign. He served in the Northern Virginia Campaign, August to September 1862, including the Battle of 2nd Manassas; in the Maryland Campaign, commanding Regiment (Army of the Potomac) engaged in the Battle of Antietam and the Skirmish at Sharpsburg; and at the Battle at Fredricksburg. He also served in the Rappahannock Campaign, commanding Regiment (Army of the Potomac) from March to June 1863, engaged in the Battle of Chancellorsville; in the Pennsylvania Campaign (Army of the Potomac), being engaged in the Battle of Gettysburg. He was breveted to Colonel, on 2 Jul 1863 for gallant and meritorious service at Gettysburg. Floyd-Jones was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the 19th U.S. Infantry, on 1 Aug 1863, and posted to the command of Fort Independence (1), MA, 15 Aug to 28 Oct 1863 and of the Fortifications of Boston harbor, 28 Oct 1863 to 6 Mar 1865. He was in Detroit, MI from 31 Mar to Aug 1865. He was breveted to Brigadier General, USA, on 13 Mar 1865, for gallant and meritorious services during the war. Post WarFollowing the U.S. Civil War, Floyd-Jones served in command of Newport Barracks (2), KY, 12 Oct 1865 to 13 Mar 1866, and of Little Rock, AK, 27 Mar to 29 Aug 1866. Following sick leave he was assigned as Acting Assistant Inspector-General and Judge Advocate of the Department of Arkansas, 1 Dec 1866 to 13 Feb 1867; Fort Smith, AK, to Oct 1867; and of Fort Gibson (1) and District of Indian Territory, 24 Oct 1867 to 20 Jan 1868. On 25 Jun 1867 he was promoted to Colonel and assigned to the 6th U.S. Infantry. Following a leave of absence, Floyd-Jones was in command of a regiment and Fort Gibson (1), Indian Territory, from February to April 1869. He served as Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Idaho Territory, from June 1869 to November 1, 1870. In January 1871, he was assigned to the 3rd U.S. Infantry. From February 15, 1871, to January 1872 he commanded Fort Dodge (1), KS, followed by commands at Fort Hays (1), KS; Fort Riley, KS; Holly Springs, MS; Jackson Barracks, LA; and Helena Barracks, MT. He retired on 20 Mar 1879. Colonel DeLancey Floyd-Jones died at the Park Avenue Hotel in New York City of heart failure and pneumonia on 19 Jan 1902. He was buried in the family Floyd-Jones Cemetery, Massapequa, Nassau County, New York.
Father: Major General Henry Onderdonk Floyd-Jones Mother: Helen M. Watts Marriage:
Children: None known Assignments:
Personal Description:
Floyd-Jones traveled around the world many times, during leaves from the army and after his retirement in 1879. He documented these journeys in letters home, and frequently had his observations and descriptions of these faraway places published in local Long Island, New York newspapers such as The South Side Signal and The Hempstead Inquirer. He also published a well-reviewed book about his travels to India, China, and Japan in the late 1880s, entitled “Letters From The Far East.” He was also the founder and builder, in 1896, of the first free library on the south shore of Long Island, the Delancey Floyd-Jones Free Library. After retirement, he became more involved in the many social and military organizations he had joined over the years. In 1847, he was among the establishers of The Aztec Club of 1847. In 1885, he was elected treasurer of the club; in 1892 he presented the club with a silver centerpiece manufactured by Tiffany’s representing an ancient Aztec Teocali. The centerpiece is still used at their annual meetings to this day. In 1894 he was elected vice president of the club, and succeeded to the presidency the following year, while also remaining treasurer. He was also an active member of the South Side Sportsman’s Club, The St. Nicholas Society, the Loyal Legion of the United States, and was a lifetime member of the Sons of the Revolution.