Fort Adobe Walls

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Fort Adobe Walls (1845-1848) - A trading post fort established in 1845 by William Bent in present day Huchinson County, Texas. Abandoned in 1848. Also known as Fort Adobe and Bents Fort.

Fort Adobe Walls 28 Defenders Monument
Fort Adobe Walls Battlefield Monument to the Three Defenders Killed
Fort Adobe Walls Battlefield Indian Monument

Fort Adobe Walls History

Built as a log trading post by partners William Bent and Ceran St. Vrain in 1845 and later converted to adobe structures by Mexican adobe makers. The adobe fort was eighty feet square, with nine-foot walls and one entrance. Attacked by hostile Comanche and Kiowa Indians during it's life. Unable to stop the attacks, William Bent blew up the interior structures leaving only the exterior adobe walls standing and he abandoned the Fort.

The First Battle of Adobe Walls

In 1864 Kit Carson, 1st New Mexico Volunteer Infantry, and a force of 335 men used the fort remains as a defensive position against some 7,000 hostile Indians. Carson's strategic use of his cavalry and two mountain howitzers enabled him to hold off the superior indian force. On 27 Nov 1864 Carson retreated from the area and back to Fort Bascom having lost only three killed and 25 wounded. The Indian losses were estimated at 100 to 150. The mountain howitzers on prairie carriages under the command of 1st Lt. George H. Pettis, Company K, 1st California Volunteer Infantry were responsible for breaking up the mass charges of the Indians and saving the day.

The Second Battle of Adobe Walls

On 27 Jun 1874 a group of buffalo hunters was attacked at Fort Adobe Walls by Chief Quanah Parker and 700 Comanche, Cheyenne and Kiowa Indians. The Indians were attempting to stop the slaughter of the plains buffalo but they clearly picked on the wrong group. The 29 hunters drove off the hostile Indians after three days with the loss of only three killed.

Current Status

Markers only remain, Huchinson County, Texas.


Location: Near Sinnett, Huchinson County, Texas.

Maps & Images

Lat: 35.889722 Long: -101.158056

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  • Elevation: .....'



Visited: 29 Mar 2013

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