Fort Assinniboine (1)

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Fort Assinniboine (1) (1879-1911) - A U.S. Army post established in 1879 by Colonel Thomas H. Ruger, 18th U.S. Infantry and named for the Assinniboine Indian Tribe. Abandoned in 1911.

Fort Assinniboine Guardhouse
Fort Assinniboine Officer's Quarters
Fort Assinniboine Stable and Outbuildings
Fort Assinniboine Roadside Marker

Fort Assinniboine (1) History

Fort Assinniboine Plan 1908
Fort Assinniboine Turreted Officer's Quarters, Stone Building and Original Marker

Established on 9 May 1879 by Colonel Thomas H. Ruger, 18th U.S. Infantry, to prevent the Sioux Chief Sitting Bull from returning to the U.S. from Canada and to control the local Indian population.

Fort Assinniboine was the largest fort constructed in Montana. It had long rows of brick buildings and barracks with castle like towers at the corners surrounding a very large parade ground. At it's peak the fort had 104 buildings mostly of brick and a complement of 36 officers and 453 non-commissioned officers and enlisted men.

The most famous officer to serve at the Fort was John J. (Black-Jack) Pershing who arrived in 1896 with the 10th U.S. Cavalry, a black regiment.

Abandoned in 1911.

Current Status

Fort Assinniboine Guided Tour Sign

The Fort site is now the home of Montana State University Northern Agricultural Research Center and is open to guided tours. A sign at the entrance indicates that tours are available and lists two phone numbers.

Several original buildings remain including Officer's quarters, a stable, the guardhouse, the library and other support buildings. One of the buildings on officer's row still has a castle like tower that was a part of the architecture of the fort. An original post marker is under a transparent cover near the post flagstaff.

USGS Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) Database Entry: 1744165


Location: 7 miles south of Havre on Hwy 87 at 82nd Ave. W., Montana State University Northern Agricultural Research Center, Hill County, Montana. The fort map point is the post flagstaff. The roadside marker is located on the south side of Hwy 87 just east of 82nd Ave W. The entrance to the old post is located on 82nd Ave W at Fort Circle Road.

Maps & Images

Lat: 48.498397 Long: -109.796736



Visited: 24 Sep 2013

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